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    Conservative: {morning} represented an important turning point by the national media

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    Conservative: {morning} represented an important turning point by the national media Empty Conservative: {morning} represented an important turning point by the national media

    Post by Rocky Wed 17 May 2017, 6:46 am

    Conservative: {morning} represented an important turning point by the national media

    5/17/2017 0:00

    Baghdad / reporters provinces
    congratulated the governors and departments of local government councils press, cultural and educational circles in the provinces of Karbala , Dhi Qar, Kirkuk, Najaf and Wasit , the anniversary of the founding of the newspaper " Al- Sabah", stressing that it represented a great turning point in fact the media after the events of the year 2003 was a mirror that reflects all the events experienced by the country credibility away from the chaos with everyone standing of a single space without discrimination. The new launch of Iraq in Karbala, their portfolios Aqeel Turaihi: the celebration , said the establishment of the newspaper " Al- Sabah" means to celebrate the change that happened in Iraq after 2003 because it is the first sign that emerged the new reality media dominated by the single image and language per system of the former. He added that the newspaper which extend its letters to the country 's cities all trying to Altdadat combine with one hand or the expansion of information in a variety of pages, as well as contributing actively to the development of media awareness Nbgeh all because it represents the Iraqi state , its various institutions, but the ambition remains greater than what is Verifier , in advance at the same time his congratulations to the workers in the newspaper. For his part, congratulated the head of the Journalists Syndicate branch in Karbala, chairman of journalists in the Euphrates region blessing Abdul Karim "morning" consultant long established, and the promise newspaper for all Iraqis , the most prominent title that could include everyone , without exception , because it 's only newspaper state that is interested in all affairs, but give extra spirit in dealing with the Arab and international affairs, but the ambition remains the largest in dealing with the reality of the provinces. While, media director of the province of Karbala Tawfiq who are pregnant, said that the celebration of this anniversary means a new reality journalist in Iraq, Just as there are long celebration of the Iraqi press, the newspaper " Al- Sabah" represents a new start for Iraq. He added that "morning" , a new glow candle in her career and life, the place does not leave their light only reached him, because it represents everyone and try not to deviate from this national track. Keep up with events in Nasiriyah, the governor of Dhi Qar Yahya Park Nazareth anniversary Briquetting "morning" Himtha fourteen, indicating that it quoted the pulse of the street and the concerns of the citizen and accompanied the events impartially, and even the colors of print open reading appetite and is fun for the beholders. For his part, Chairman of Dhi Qar Hamid Gazan congratulated workers newspaper " Al- Sabah" , saying: " the occasion of the anniversary of (14) to establish a morning newspaper , glue ... I am pleased and on behalf of the members of the provincial council to extend to you and all of its employees warmest congratulations, wish you Muwafaqiya Time and success in your work. " The drawing board member of the province of Dhi Qar Ali Ghalibi in congratulating him for "morning" to the role played by consolidating citizenship and brotherhood dialogue in the values of society, hoping to provide more workers to maintain the march of progress and success. Stand at the same distance from everyone in turn, praised Karagokjon newspaper " Al- Sabah" on the occasion of its anniversary, displaying their admiration with all its themes of the comprehensive coverage of all aspects and support for all communities, religions and full neutrality and distancing itself from sectarian self. Kirkuk council member Qasim Hamza al - Bayati, said the newspaper " Al- Sabah" was still adopting the national project and to highlight the bright side of the victories of the heroic security forces Besnovha all, in addition to that they took it upon themselves to help people and deliver their voice to solve their problems through the allocation of pages about the concerns of the citizen. He noted that the focus on national unity and the achievements and victories and concerns of displaced families who have been affected by the actions of "Daesh" heinous make them an example of media targeted, as well as distinguish them to stay away from the speech convulsive sectarian self, while calling attention to wider youth issues and social problems. The president of the Union of Kirkuk writers to pay Hashim, has offered his congratulations far incorporation of employees in the newspaper, indicating that it was characterized by Prusantha and to keep pace with events in all aspects and simple language mimic all classes and sects and has a grainy pages interested in sports and cultural affairs. For his part, Vice President of the Arab Political Council , Sheikh Ismail Hadidi said that from those who follow the newspaper "morning" and the ancients who love to read, wishing them further progress towards better, indicating that he read what he wants to make sure of it from its pages, especially concerning political affairs because they are neutral full and keep pace with the Iraqi situation, regional and global. While a spokesman for the Chaldean Church in Kirkuk , Imad Makki, said that the newspaper " Al- Sabah" proactive in advocating for communities and minority issues were close to them in the presentation of all the events and present in their festivals and rituals, in addition to the transfer of the suffering of the displaced and displayed in front of the official in intermediate without bias for a certain point, expressing his sincere congratulations to her with more tender for their workers. Wide coverage in Wasit, described Captain Saud al- Shammari conservative journalists "morning" as a reflective mirror of the reality of the province dealt with by all political, cultural, literary and artistic aspects through the printed distinctive design, typesetting and editing. He added that the "morning" were not expressing the opinion of the government only, but was expressive throughout the years of issue of the opinion of the people of all sects and ethnic groups and dealt with the views of Sheikh and the young, political and citizen simple employee Earner without discrimination. Furthermore, the President of the Union of writers and Wasit Taha Alzerbati, that "morning , " he said with all its editors and staff deserve pride and appreciation because of the efforts made by them to cover all the events professionally. The head of the Writers Union in Wasit folk poet Hussein Bahadli, "Al - Sabah" as one of the best Atcefhh every day , especially the cultural supplement , which is eagerly awaited by the poet, noting that "morning" has proved its presence and distinguish them from the rest of the publications. For his part, Chairman of the Cultural Forum in Wasit media Juma Saidi, said the "morning" is alone with distinction between the Iraqi publications said , and took going by way of competition with the Arab print, and this is clear if they were compared with topics published through the electronic newspaper sites and Arabic publications site. He explained that the "morning" recently took feed into the visual media and electronic reports through political, economic and news. Accuracy and objectivity in the IPO and in Najaf, Park Provincial Council member Ammar Aerbawi for workers in the newspaper " Al- Sabah" the anniversary of its founding, expressing his admiration for the independent orientation of the newspaper and transfer of news without bias to hand or hand to compliment the other. He pointed out that the keenness of correspondents and representatives of the "morning" to take the news from official sources , reliable and not to rely on rumors broadcast by biased views, making them distinct and accurate telling her to make it a source of confidence for their readers and followers. As a member of the local council to spend Najaf Haider Kermash, he said that through reading the newspaper finds diversity in subjects making it an integrated and suitable for all tastes, and the pillars and writings sober and address social and political issues and economic mission does not feel that the tendency of the party given or a particular personality. The Director of Educational Information Sana Ali, said that the newspaper "morning" continuous daily news items and press reports, so Otabaha, as well as its characteristic accuracy telling her, blessed the "morning" anniversary with Tmanaha continue its evolution and pursue the path of success. In turn, wished to inform the Director of Najaf Health Salem blessing more prosperity and the spread of the morning, because it is characterized by credible and raise the atmosphere in order to increase the number of readers, but it maintains moderation and rationality in the subtraction, as even though many of the crises that have passed the country in the period after 2003 , but that the "morning" was dealt with through her writing and reporting in a flexible manner far from cramping, and this is what we need from the media at this stage critical.

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