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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Industry executives fined the 21 billion dinars, and obliges its non-receipt of scrap

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    Industry executives fined the 21 billion dinars, and obliges its non-receipt of scrap Empty Industry executives fined the 21 billion dinars, and obliges its non-receipt of scrap

    Post by Rocky Tue 06 Jun 2017, 1:31 am

    Industry executives fined the 21 billion dinars, and obliges its non-receipt of scrap

     translation / Hamed Ahmed

    It announced that the Ministry of Industry, on Monday, it was fined managers affiliated with $ 21 billion dinars , and obliges companies not receiving scrap, noting that the results of the investigation proved the existence of irregularities in the transfer of scrap to the assembly of iron waste sites in the Basra operation, while directed not received cars Almrguenp restrictions.
    The Director of Information and Public Relations Louay Waeli in a statement received (range) a copy of it, " The Minister of Industry Mohamed Sudan, the non - receipt of cars Almrguenp restrictions by the General Directorates traffic in all the assembly scrap sites to the General Company for assigning the engineering of the ministry to implement the decision Council of Ministers No. (42) for the year 2017 and taken minutes normal eighth meeting held on 14 February last, paragraph (1) which states ( the launch of the sale of all types of scrap located in the state departments commercially in accordance with the provisions of the law of sale and rent of state funds No. (21) for the year 2013 rate) because of the continued The citizens to hand over personal cars and Almrguenp restrictions by the General Directorates of traffic to the General Company for the attribution of engineering. "
    Waeli added that "already endorsed the recommendations of the Committee Implication Central Justice to include and fined each of the Director General of the General Company for assigning Engineering General Company Steel Industries (formerly General stand firm) an amount of 21 billion and 645 million dinars for the value of the damage caused by the loss of the amount of scrap iron (77 398 tons) at the site of the Tel Tasah TARMIYA it to preserve the public money and the fight against corruption and punish corrupt. "
    The parliamentary source revealed in the twelfth of last May, what he described as "corrupt" files in the company "Ur , " one of the formations and the Ministry of Industry, stressing its support documents, while pointing to the referral of those files to the inspector general integrity of follow - up.
    Waeli said that "the Ministry of Industry already announced the results of the investigation and the investigation of irregularities transfer scrap and sale of aluminum in the General Company for the assignment of engineering, which came under the guidance of the Minister of Industry and the implementation of his reform plans and corrective to the work of the ministry and its companies , " explaining that " the results of the investigation proved the existence of irregularities in the transfer process Scrap iron to assemble waste sites in Basra. "
    The Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi confirmed, (April 11, 2017), move his government to fight corruption and besiege "tentacles", vowing to retrieve "what stolen by corrupt , " while accusing "some" state of trying to impede efforts to stimulate investment sector efforts.

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