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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A US military plane crashes near Australia

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    A US military plane crashes near Australia Empty A US military plane crashes near Australia

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Aug 2017, 1:57 am

    A US military plane crashes near Australia

    Arab and international  Since 2017-08-05 at 17:04 (Baghdad time)

    Mawazine News - Follow up
    The US Marine Corps announced on Saturday that a military helicopter had crashed on Australia's coast, killing three Marines, who may have died in the accident.
    According to Australian sources, the plane crashed while trying to land on the surface of a US aircraft carrier, near the coast of Queensland, eastern Australia.
    Twenty-three of the 26 marines onboard the M22 Osprey were rescued, while search for 3 was still missing.
    "A search and rescue operation is under way to find those who were exposed to an MV22 accident off the east coast of Australia," the Marine statement said.
    The MVV22 Osprey, which is powered by reversible fan technology, is one of the most significant support aircraft for the Marines, with two engines on its wings, allowing it to land and take off vertically. Ending 29/34 R.
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    A US military plane crashes near Australia Empty US helicopter crashes with 26 soldiers

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Aug 2017, 3:43 am

    US helicopter crashes with 26 soldiers

    The US military began searching for missing persons aboard a helicopter that crashed off the coast of Queensland, Australia, carrying 26 Marines.

    "The M-22 Osprey helicopter crashed near the Shule Water Bay area for military training north of Rockhampton," the Sydney Morning Herald said.

    "The helicopter was carrying 26 US Marines when it crashed while trying to land, while three people were still missing," the newspaper said.

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    A US military plane crashes near Australia Empty The search for three American soldiers has been lost in the M-22 Osprey accident

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Aug 2017, 3:59 am

    The search for three American soldiers has been lost in the M-22 Osprey accident

    10:35 - 06/08/2017

    The US Marines have stopped their search for three missing soldiers in a plane crash off the coast of Australia.

    The US Army's M-22 Osprey crashed into the sea on Saturday after taking off from the USS Bonom Richard LHD-6.

    The Marines said a large-scale search was under way to find the three soldiers.

    "The families of the three missing persons have been informed," the Marines said in a statement on Sunday.

    The plane and the vessel were off the coast of Queensland as part of the recently concluded US-Australia Talisman Saber exercise. Ending / 25

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    A US military plane crashes near Australia Empty Re: A US military plane crashes near Australia

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