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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Israeli security minister: Efforts should be united with Saudi Arabia to confront Iran

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277783
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Israeli security minister: Efforts should be united with Saudi Arabia to confront Iran Empty Israeli security minister: Efforts should be united with Saudi Arabia to confront Iran

    Post by Rocky Thu 14 Dec 2017, 2:41 am

    [size=30]Israeli security minister: Efforts should be united with Saudi Arabia to confront Iran[/size]
    13/12/2017 11:21 | Number of readings:
    font size:  Israeli security minister: Efforts should be united with Saudi Arabia to confront Iran Font_decrease  Israeli security minister: Efforts should be united with Saudi Arabia to confront Iran Font_enlarge
     Israeli security minister: Efforts should be united with Saudi Arabia to confront Iran Thumbnail.php?file=___________________________________273229374
    [rtl]Trend Press / Agencies[/rtl]
    [rtl]Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, in an article published by the "Devance News" "Israeli" to Saudi Arabia, calling for the unification of forces between the two sides against Iran.[/rtl]
    [rtl]"We see a lot of evidence of balanced thinking in the region and on the head of the Gulf states," he said. "The clearest example is Saudi Arabia, whose leadership is driven by a courageous policy and vision that identifies Iran as a regional bloc."He said.[/rtl]
    [rtl]"More and more leaders in the region realize that our common future can be pragmatism rather than fanaticism. The more we unite our energies - the pragmatic forces in the region - are defeated," Lieberman claimed. Our enemies are fanatics, we can provide security and stability of the region in the security of the region and stability better and we can push our interests forward. "[/rtl]

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