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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country

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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country Empty Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Feb 2018, 1:15 am

    [ltr]Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country[/ltr]
     Since 2018-02-07 at 09:05 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad Mawazine News[/ltr]
    [ltr]MP in the parliament Mansour al-Baiji, on Wednesday, the survival of US forces in Iraq is planned to divide the country, calling on the government to accelerate the removal of these forces.[/ltr]
    [ltr]"America is working for expansion not only in Iraq but also on neighboring countries, and it will make a part of the Iraqi territories to fight it, and this is what we will never allow," al-Baiji said in a statement received by Mawazine News.[/ltr]
    [ltr]He added that "the Iraqi government should not live in the circle of embarrassment of the survival of US forces and it must make clear to the Iraqi people how much the numbers of these forces and when they will be removed and what is their role and reason to stay on our territory after the announcement of victory over gangs, To "move quickly and remove US forces from Iraqi territory."[/ltr]
    [ltr]Al-Baiji pointed out that "the talk about the presence of US advisers is to mix the papers and cover the survival of these forces, if they are advisers, what is the reason for the presence of military tankers, tanks and aircraft and these large numbers of soldiers what their role."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He stressed that "the survival of US forces in Iraq is planned to divide the country."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He announced earlier the start of the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq[/ltr]

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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country Empty Maliki's coalition: the survival of US forces plan to divide Iraq

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Feb 2018, 2:18 am

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    Maliki's coalition: the survival of US forces plan to divide Iraq

    MP from the coalition of state law Mansour al-Baiji Wednesday, the Iraqi government to move quickly and remove US forces from Iraqi territory as soon as possible.
    Al-Baiji said in a statement that America is working for expansion not only in Iraq, but on neighboring countries and will make from Iraqi territory a circle of conflict and this is not allowed to final
    Al-Baiji told the Iraqi government not to live in the critical circle of the presence of US forces and it should make clear to the Iraqi people how much the numbers of these forces are and when they will be taken out and what their role is and why they remain on our land after declaring victory over terrorist gangs
    Al-Baiji said that the talk about the presence of US advisers is to mix the papers and coverage of the survival of these forces, if they are advisers, what is the reason for the presence of military tankers, tanks and aircraft and these large numbers of soldiers What is their role therefore everyone knows that the policy of Atramp US President is the end of their existence, US forces as soon as we do not need them and the government to move and not to remain silent because this is very dangerous and can not delay

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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country Empty Parliamentary demands for a "quick move" to remove US troops from Iraq

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Feb 2018, 2:42 am

    Parliamentary demands for a "quick move" to remove US troops from Iraq

    10:12 - 07/02/2018
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    MP of the coalition of state law Mansour al-Baiji, on Wednesday, the Iraqi government to move quickly to remove US forces from Iraqi territory, warning that the survival of these forces is aimed at the division and fragmentation of Iraq.
    "The Iraqi government should not live in the critical circle of the survival of the US forces and it must make clear to the Iraqi people how many these forces are and when they will be taken out, what is their role, and why they remain on our land after the declaration of victory," al-Baiji said in a statement. On terrorist gangs. "
    Al-Baiji added that "talk about the presence of US advisers is to mix the papers and cover the survival of these forces," noting that "if they are advisers, what is the reason for the presence of military tankers, tanks and aircraft and these large numbers of soldiers What is their role?"
    Al-Bayji warned that "America is working for expansion not only in Iraq but also on the neighboring countries and will make from the Iraqi territory a circle of conflict and this is not allowed for a final." Ending / 25

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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country Empty Detecting a parliamentary approach to end the US military presence in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Feb 2018, 2:44 am

    Detecting a parliamentary approach to end the US military presence in Iraq

    10:15 - 07/02/2018
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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The deputy of the coalition of state law, Mohamed Chihod, on Wednesday, a parliamentary move to end the US presence in Iraq, stressing that their presence is an occupation of Iraq, and accused Prime Minister Haider Abadi responsibility for their continued presence.
    "The US forces no longer have any justification, and no force should be accepted under any name," he said in a statement to al-Maalouma. "Iraq may need some information and some training from foreign experiments, but that does not mean The presence of more than 5,000 American elements on the ground in Iraq. "
    He added that "the parliament will have a position during the next week on the US presence in Iraq, where the matter will be resolved in the coming sessions," adding that "the security forces and popular mobilization proved their ability to thwart all terrorist schemes and no longer need to stay foreign troops in Iraq" .
    "The survival of more than 5000 US troops in Iraq is an occupation of the country, and therefore is not justified under the strategic framework agreement between Iraq and the United States of America, which stated that there is no US base in Iraq."
    And carrying the Chihod, Prime Minister Haider Abadi responsibility for the survival of American soldiers in Iraq, pointing out that "their presence was rejected under the previous government (headed by Nuri al-Maliki)." Ending / 25 n

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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country Empty Deputy: The issue of the American presence will be central to the formation of the next government

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Feb 2018, 2:45 am

    Deputy: The issue of the American presence will be central to the formation of the next government

    11:33 - 07/02/2018
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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The MP from the coalition of state law, Nahla al-Hababi, on Wednesday, between the talks to form the next government after the elections and the issue of the US presence in Iraq, noting that most of the political blocs will require the next prime minister to end the American presence after the elimination of the organization "Daash" criminal.
     "The issue of the US military presence will be pivotal in the discussions on the formation of the next government, which will require most of the political blocs to the next prime minister to end the US presence in Iraq after the stability of the security situation in the country and the elimination of the organization calling for criminal."
    "The current government headed by Haider al-Abadi avoids talking about the US presence in Iraq under the pretext of political and economic crises and not end the war against gangs, calling for criminal," adding that "the US military presence in Iraq raises the suspicion of Iraqis."   
    "The US side points to the presence of about 10,000 military advisers working within the international coalition in Iraq, but the information available indicates that the number doubled in recent months."
    The newspaper "News" Lebanese saw in a report on Wednesday, that Prime Minister Haider Abadi sought to achieve "political gain" by announcing the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, noting that the declaration does not exceed the framework of political bidding. Ending / 25 d

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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country Empty Newspaper: Abadi sought to achieve political gain by announcing the withdrawal of US troops

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Feb 2018, 2:48 am

    Newspaper: Abadi sought to achieve political gain by announcing the withdrawal of US troops

    09:27 - 07/02/2018
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    Lebanese Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi sought to achieve "political gain" by announcing the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, the newspaper "Al-Akhbar" reported on Wednesday, noting that the declaration does not exceed the framework of political bidding.
    "Abadi wanted to register (electoral gain) by announcing the start of the withdrawal of these forces at an election time and at the gates of the legislative elections (May 12)," the newspaper said in a report.
    She added that "Abadi sought to withdraw some of the arguments from the forces that raise the slogan of resisting the occupation in Iraq on the one hand, and investor in the street of those factions on the other, the adoption of a speech that mimics her feelings."
    The newspaper added that "between the introduction and response, Abadi did not provide yesterday a comprehensive answer to the new question:« Is a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign forces? Or will it remain in the next stage? ", But only introduced the climate of statements made, which leads to another question: Will this declaration (the withdrawal of foreign forces) an introduction to a range of controversial topics will be raised by Abadi associates in the next phase, to look at some of the issues that He wants to evade them? " Ending / 25

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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country Empty Re: Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country

    Post by weslin3 Wed 07 Feb 2018, 7:47 am

    This is all so crazy... crazy
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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country Empty Re: Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country

    Post by Lobo Wed 07 Feb 2018, 8:38 am

    We're not leaving.
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    Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country Empty Re: Deputy: The survival of US forces in Iraq scheme to divide the country

    Post by weslin3 Wed 07 Feb 2018, 10:55 am

    azareus wrote:Remember Duck said Maliki is the guy we want. Still convinced Duck was right LOL

    That's history az.flower Why bring up things that isn't any benefit.. Lots of things all of us has thought was a good deal and didn't pan out as this is Iraq... I'm tired of beating up what someone has said. I just want my RV... Doesn't matter a hill of beans what any of us thinks it is what happens. lol!

    As the song goes... "Let it go." drunk

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