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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy: The survival of foreign forces in Iraq is a new conspiracy project aimed at striking the reg

    Admin Assist
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    Deputy: The survival of foreign forces in Iraq is a new conspiracy project aimed at striking the reg Empty Deputy: The survival of foreign forces in Iraq is a new conspiracy project aimed at striking the reg

    Post by Rocky Mon 15 Jul 2019, 2:38 am

    [size=35][size=35]Deputy: The survival of foreign forces in Iraq is a new conspiracy project aimed at striking the region[/size]
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    2019-07-15 03:20
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    [size=18]MP from the coalition of state law Mansour al-Baiji, Monday, the survival of foreign forces in Iraq as a "new conspiracy project" aimed at striking the entire region, calling on political forces to work hard to get them out.

    "We call on all national political forces to work hard to get all foreign forces out of Iraqi territory under any name," al-Baiji said in a statement. "The survival of these forces is unacceptable and must unite among all in order to get them out. "He said.

    "There is no sovereignty of the country to keep these large numbers on our soil, although the previous government headed by (former Prime Minister Nouri) al-Maliki removed these forces, but unfortunately returned in large numbers after an attack calling on the terrorists in our provinces." 

    "There is no reason for the survival of these foreign forces on Iraqi territory. Those who talk about the sovereignty of the country must know very well that there is no sovereignty in the presence of these large numbers of foreign troops with their military equipment on our territory.

    He added that "the survival of these forces within the territory of Iraq is a new conspiracy project aimed at hitting the entire region, so all the Iraqi national forces to recognize the seriousness of the situation and work in a spirit to remove these forces as soon as possible if these political forces serious to preserve the sovereignty of the country from Any external violation ".

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