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    «Journal News» published instructions for appointment to the grades

    Admin Assist
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    «Journal News» published instructions for appointment to the grades Empty «Journal News» published instructions for appointment to the grades

    Post by Rocky Thu 24 May 2018, 7:34 am

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    «Journal News» published instructions for appointment to the grades

    The Council of Ministers issued instructions on the appointment of job grades resulting from the movement of owners. In accordance with these instructions, the Ministry of Finance will provide ministries and entities not affiliated with the Ministry a table containing the grades resulting from the movement of owners approved until the end of 2016 indicating the number of degrees resulting from the movement of owners for each ministry or Not linked to the Ministry and the corresponding titles.
    A statement issued by the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers stated that "it shall be composed by order of the competent minister or the head of the non-affiliated body of the committee to consider applications for applicants and re-appointment where the vacancies will be announced on the website of each of the mentioned parties. The announcement includes the title of the job, And the qualifications required for its employment. Applications for appointment to fill vacancies advertised in accordance with the application form form are accepted within 20 days of publication. "
    "The names, qualifications, years of graduation, grades and grades obtained will be announced," he added.
    The instructions specified 10% of the vacant grades for the appointment of the families of the martyrs, political prisoners and martyrs of the popular crowd according to the ratios prescribed in the laws in force for the mentioned segments and not less than 5% of the grades for the appointment of holders of higher degrees and the instructions set a rate of not less than 5% , And the first three are appointed from each college and institute without passing the said mechanism and in the absence of available vacant grades apply the mechanism shown between them.
    The statement pointed out that "the instructions have set the rules for calculating the points of differentiation between applicants for appointment, where the contractor is awarded with the state institutions two degrees for each contractual year and no more than 20 degrees, and gives the daily wagener and volunteer to work degree for each year and no more than 15 degrees, Graduation rate of excellence 25 degrees and a very good rate of 20 degrees and a good rate of 15 degrees, and those who have an average graduation rate is given 10 degrees, as well as one degree for each year before the graduation of the applicant for appointment and gives the married and has children of 15 degrees and widows or absolute He has 10 children and is married and has no children of 5 degrees, with M. It noted that not granting any unmarried degree does not mean exclusion from the competition. "
    "Applicants who are not aware of the role in the recruitment of those who have passed the test will be able to reserve similar jobs that may become vacant in the future."
    A committee in the Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers and the membership of representatives of the Ministry of Planning and the Integrity Commission and the Office of Financial Supervision and the Ministry of Finance to consider complaints filed by citizens on the work of committees formed in ministries and entities not associated with the Ministry or the cases of appointment that were contrary to the provisions of these instructions and make recommendations To the Prime Minister.The sons of the Christian component of the same component shall also be compensated without passing through the aforementioned mechanism except in the case of an increase in the number of applicants on vacant grades in respect of the said mechanism.
    The statement said that "these instructions are implemented from the date of issuance and the relevant parties bear full legal responsibility for any cases of appointment contrary to its provisions.
    He stressed that "Prime Minister Haider Abadi, keen not to exploit the tools of power or position and positions of responsibility in the electoral competition and influence the will of the voter illegally through the investment of appointments, it was likely to approve these instructions in the Council of Ministers after the elections and a precedent in the administration The state is to stand on the line of one project between all the electoral contenders and not to use the capabilities of the state and the potential of the government in the electoral race, and to strengthen the integrity values ​​that have been adopted since the formation of the government in advance a model in the professional government away from any form of For partisan or nepotism in his belief in the importance of activating the principle of equality of opportunity among all the contenders, and that the superiority of those in power over others.
    This approach was in line with a decision taken by the Council of Ministers regarding the cessation of the allocation, allocation and distribution of land and housing units from the beginning of 2018 until the holding of the parliamentary elections.

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