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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    01~01~2014 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    01~01~2014 Horoscopes Empty 01~01~2014 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Wed 01 Jan 2014, 9:40 am

        Round table discussions are possible today. Family members want better budgeting. You may gratefully chip in some ideas but they may not be appreciated. You could give an example from books and show how much a thoughtful plan is needed. Plan first and then talk again later in the day with new ideas. Productive answers are near. Agree to meet again in about six weeks to see how all is going; mark it on the calendar. You may have an opportunity to solve a mystery this afternoon. It is easier to deal with the facts when you find them and you will help a loved one find a new understanding. Involving yourself in ongoing social activities will provide you with some good connections in the workplace. Networking is a good idea.

        Do not try to prove a point with your vehicle and you will be safe this day. You may find yourself driving or preparing to drive a distance to your home or a friend's home after a long holiday. If you are not driving a vehicle, you are driving yourself in motivation. You desire to clear away the old and make room for the new. That includes mental activity as well as physical, putting the body in shape or promising yourself you will get into a more organized exercise routine. You are surprised that there are a few stores open today and you may decide to take some food to an elderly couple near your home. Your ability to get along with the elderly as well as with young people deserves attention as you are interested in the care of people's welfare.

        Rest from the activities of the last two weeks is the most important thing on your mind this morning. A leisure walk or a visit to the park to exercise your dog and your feet may be the only big activity you want to think about during your day at home. Looking around you, you may notice things that you can do the next few weeks, hopefully with friends that will help to clean up the neighborhood park or a walkway. New signs, plantings or a neighborhood planning committee will be helpful. It is wonderful what can result from a few people getting together to create a positive. Before you know it, others will join the task force. A brainstorm among your friends may bring in some cash this afternoon. Your group project will be successful.

        By living your life fully and setting positive examples for others to follow, you automatically attract people to you. Many people ask your opinion about how they should proceed through life. If you ask people if they want to trade places with anyone in the room, they would most likely say no. Your profession may be to counsel people and your understanding is that life is a classroom from which we all learn. We each have our own lessons. Today, you ponder on the above issues and wonder if you would change places--with anyone. Although many people judge others, you do not; you create and you encourage others to create. Continue to create in positive ways. Tonight is for love and romance. Enjoy the winter sky and all that fresh air.

        Whether you are working or not, it will probably be a busy day. Your optimistic attitude always wins friends and influences people; keep it going. Make the most of this time, as it is very important to put your best foot forward and take care of any blocks that may slow you from your goals. Establish your loyalties with your friends and loved ones. Pinpoint any physical problems and make an effort to take care of any discomfort. Change as best you can any living or working environment that could weaken your stamina. It is good to combine your need to stay in shape along with your need for success. Begin to express your own thoughts clearly by listening to yourself when you speak. Tonight you enjoy a romantic dinner; relax.

    Study what you think might have spurred you into a particular dream. Your current crop of dreams may not feel right to you or may seem to go against what normally motivates you. It may be easy to be misled and to find you are pouring energy and effort into directions that will bring no return. Since you've had little sleep lately, much of the confusion today can be ignored. You can be assured that the day will get better as it moves along. You are very happy that this is not a workday for you. You should find that children and young people bring you pleasure all day long. There may be news of a pregnancy among your circle of friends. Your imagination is very powerful this evening. Your thoughts will turn to romantic issues--a loved one agrees to share

        Make room now for the new things as well as the usual for this new year. There is some change, the change is good change coming--you need to be prepared physically. Enjoy a healthy variety of foods and as far as the rich foods are concerned--cut down on the amount. This time is a much more positive phase for you than in the past. Over the next three weeks or so, you will spend a fair bit of time writing letters, phoning people and traveling around the neighborhood in order to become acquainted and to get others interested in future neighborhood improvements and activities. You share information about conservation and recycling. Social opportunities are just perfect today. You show others your appreciation and your attention to others is rewarded.

        You are not really quite ready to give up that extra holiday job and you have no problem dressing for the occasion and showing up early to make that extra dollar. Later this afternoon you continue with some hobby or task you have set for yourself. You could be involved in a writing project in which there is some likelihood of having positive results. This could mean an interview for the news or research for a project. You could be most persuasive with others and persuasive in speech. The situation will eventually lead to your analyzing a subject and opening a path for your self-expression. You make a difference through the written word--other people are informed. You have the power to change people's minds, make them think, cry or laugh.

        Other people's money helps you succeed. You only have about eight possible stressful days this month and this is not one of them. You are positive and think of today as one of the better days for accomplishing whatever you decide to set out to do. You are going to see some improvements in your work this next week; it is a time when you can expect a little boost and some extra support. You may feel that you are in harmony with others; the lines of communication are open. A friend or family member may really depend on your opinion. Honesty strengthens friendships and today you will find an opportunity happens that will deepen your relationship with a friend. Keep your promises. Your sweetheart is your best friend.

        A good sense of balance can improve the possibilities of this day. Coming together with friends and family, perhaps to watch a sports game or play indoor games of chance, puts everyone in a cozy mood and the day progresses in a most fulfilling way. You might have a movie lined up for later in the day. If you are by yourself, this day is the perfect opportunity to enjoy a creative day. An internet game or an out-of-door walk will energize you to just let go of all the old and take on a new attitude of balance and steady movement. This would be important when moving forward to reach a goal, teach a class or run a race, etc. Young people around you learn, enjoy and gain new ways to see the world from your good attitude. One day at a time, you can do anything.

        You may find yourself in a dreamy mood today; enjoy it because a new animal may keep you very busy. You seem devoted to the animal world at this time. Perhaps you got a new pet recently or have decided to teach an old dog some new tricks. Interruptions from whatever you do today will distract you from losing yourself in your own private thoughts. Visitors, animals, phone calls, your own agenda will all be fun ways to spend your first day of the new year. Invite a neighbor to your place for an early evening meal and to learn about someone new. Before the evening is over you will enjoy the exchange of recipes, movie star gossip, etc. You have an entertaining personality with a witty side that is quite enjoyable.

        You and your family may look for decisions regarding the home, budgeting or landscaping. It may be a few days before any decision can be agreed upon, however. You could be entertaining this evening but it may be to bring attention to community concerns--the first neighborhood meeting. Perhaps you will want to see a particular street light installed or the repair of streets or new identifying laws regarding homeland security. By expressing your opinion and then showing facts, statistics or examples, you may have others thinking your way in no time; patience. Married life or marital prospects continue to be in the spotlight. Work on building a better security for your future. You might decide to nap this afternoon. Tonight is delightful.

      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 3:07 pm