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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Report: Iraqi parliament pull back from the US Forces Act

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Report: Iraqi parliament pull back from the US Forces Act Empty Report: Iraqi parliament pull back from the US Forces Act

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Apr 2019, 6:28 am

    Report: Iraqi parliament pull back from the US Forces Act[/size]
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     6 hours ago

    In the beginning of this year, Iraqi parliamentary forces showed great enthusiasm for a law calling for the removal of foreign troops from the country. It was thought that the beginning of the second legislative term would see the issuance of this law, but things went in a different direction. The fervor subsided, and the fog over the fate of the project, which seems to be subject to a process of agitation, makes it practically meaningless, according to the Lebanese daily Al Akhbar.

    According to the newspaper close to the Lebanese Hezbollah, "The momentum surrounding the draft law to remove foreign troops from Iraq is dwindling, more and more Parliamentary blocs calling for him, led by" Suron "(backed by the leader of the" Sadrists "Moqtada al-Sadr) and" (Headed by the Secretary-General of the Badr Organization Hadi al-Amiri), has already determined in its statements that the second legislative term (began last March) will discuss the project, and then its adoption by law by parliament, but nothing concrete so far .

    According to the paper, doubts were raised by the recent speech by Parliament Speaker Mohammed Halboussi from Washington, DC, where he considered that "the American presence is a guarantee for Iraq, and the demand for the withdrawal of coalition forces at this stage is in the interest of terrorism." Al-Halbusi's statement (which was denied by the latter hours after its publication) called for many reactions.

    The accounts of the parties involved in the project include the termination of the Security Agreement (Sofa) on the organization of the US withdrawal from Iraq, and the cancellation of Section III of the Strategic Framework Agreement (SOFA), signed between Iraq and the United States in 2008. However, The proposal is closer to a "political maneuver" than a serious move, in an attempt by Tehran and its allies to step up pressure on Washington.

    Lower the ceiling

    The newspaper quoted a source from within the bloc, "open" as saying that the joint committees with "Saron" ended the wording of "more than 80 percent of the texts of the project." And explain the delay in submission to Parliament "official visits in the capital Baghdad recently," as well as the preoccupation of the three presidencies with external links.

    The source adds that al-Fath is waiting for a final answer from Sawsoun to move the project forward in the corridors of parliament. He said that the largest bloc (54 deputies) is waiting for the final answer from al-Sadr. Denying that there are "external pressures" on the two blocs to pass any similar law, he asserts that "the law will be in line with the government vision."

    This latter situation appears to be a retreat from a high-ceiling law, to a mere so-called "reorganization of the American presence", meaning that the government is fully aware of the number of troops deployed along Iraqi territory, their places of deployment and their missions directly associated with technical / advisory / Training by the Government and the leadership of the armed forces.

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