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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Politicians are dismissing Parliament approves general budget


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Politicians are dismissing Parliament approves general budget Empty Politicians are dismissing Parliament approves general budget

    Post by chouchou Sat 31 May 2014, 7:10 am

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    Ruled out parliamentary sources to be approved this year's budget in 2014 before the end of the current parliamentary session, Marjaheen combined with next year's budget, while threatened Anbar Provincial Council yesterday filed a lawsuit against the House of Representatives for failing to approve the budget and caused a humanitarian crisis in the province.

    The House of Representatives has failed more than once to achieve the required quorum to pass a budget this year because of continuing differences between the blocks and the most prominent of the crisis on the oil from the Kurdistan region.

    MP for the rule of law Abbas al-Bayati said the parliament will not be able to during the remainder of the life of its current session by approving the budget, blaming political blocs responsibility delayed because of differences continuous, "noting that the National Alliance called during Ahtmall the last of the Presidium of the parliament to the need to hold an emergency session to approve the budget, He expressed his hope not to be combined with next year's budget because it would hurt the country's economy.

    And supported the MP for the mass citizen parliamentary Mohammed commendable opinion of his colleague not to the possibility of approving the budget during this session, calling for the next parliament to expedite approval by and be at the forefront of his priorities, bis claim not to be combined with next year's budget in 2015, which will lead to severe damage to the interests of all citizens and incurring all the joints the country's economy enormous losses.

    To the Prime Anbar Provincial Council, said the council Krhot morning going to file a lawsuit against the House of Representatives for failing to approving the budget, which is the cause of the humanitarian crisis of the province, "noting that" the differences between the political blocs in parliament was a major cause of non-adoption of the budget. "

    The budget law lies in the inclusion of the House of Representatives has not completed his reading since approved by the cabinet in mid-January last year.

    He Krhot that "it significantly affected the humanitarian situation in Anbar," he said, adding that "Anbar live and humanitarian situation difficult, can not be described because of the presence of thousands of displaced families and destroyed that do not have money, food and livelihoods depend on daily income, and through humanitarian aid and food that link them from humanitarian organizations

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    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    Politicians are dismissing Parliament approves general budget Empty Re: Politicians are dismissing Parliament approves general budget

    Post by Neno Sat 31 May 2014, 12:10 pm


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