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    British Defense Secretary: our mission in Iraq might drag on for months and are determined to fight

    Admin Assist
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    British Defense Secretary: our mission in Iraq might drag on for months and are determined to fight  Empty British Defense Secretary: our mission in Iraq might drag on for months and are determined to fight

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Aug 2014, 7:11 am

    British Defense Secretary: our mission in Iraq might drag on for months and are determined to fight daash

    Monday, 18 August, 2014 7: 46

    J p

    Twilight news, British Defense Minister Michael Fallon in remarks published Monday that the role of the United Kingdom in Iraq beyond humanitarian mission and could last several months.

    altAnd newspaper guardian on British Defense Secretary briefed him "twilight news as telling the pilots in the RAF during an inspection visit Saturday to British Akrotiri base in southern Cyprus," this is a humanitarian task. "

    He said "we may need in the next few weeks and months to resort to other means to help save lives and protect humans. We will need you all again and to control which can be provided ".

    The British Minister said "we and other countries in Europe are determined to help the Iraqi Government to fight this new form and very far from terrorism promoted by the Organization of the Islamic State."

    A spokesman for the British Ministry of defence, these remarks, stressing that the Minister launched on Saturday, before Prime Minister David Cameron published an editorial in the Sunday Telegraph newspaper, referring to the possibility that Britain military role in Iraq, but emphasized that this did not mean "sending armies to fight or to occupation."

    Said the times that a number of British soldiers who went last week to Kurdistan in northern Iraq, where they stayed for a short period to prepare for a possible mission to rescue chinook helicopters deployed for displaced minority Yezidi fled the oppression of the extremist organization.

    The paper said that six tornado combat aircraft and unmanned aircraft began flying in a Kurdish region in order to monitor the movements of fighters, Islamic extremists, noting that the information collected by these aircraft can benefit the Iraqi forces in planning attacks against the extremist organization.

    The times in the exploratory additional step to Britain to have a "direct part in hostilities" against extremist organization.

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