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    Election of new heads of ten committees in the Iraqi parliament

    Admin Assist
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    Election of new heads of ten committees in the Iraqi parliament Empty Election of new heads of ten committees in the Iraqi parliament

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 Jan 2023, 2:36 pm

    Election of new heads of ten committees in the Iraqi parliament

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    2023-01-29 05:22

    Shafaq News/ On Sunday, the Iraqi Parliament chose new chairs for 10 of its committees, in the presence of the Council Presidency.
    A brief statement by the Parliament's media department, received by Shafaq News Agency, stated; That "Representative Abbas Al-Zamili was elected Chairman of the Security and Defense Committee, Representative Karim Abu Soda as First Deputy, and Representative Skafan Youssef as Second Deputy." 

    Representative Ziyad Al-Janabi was also elected as Chairman of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, and after the failure of the first round and the lack of a quorum, in the second round Alia Nassif was elected as First Deputy and Karim Shakur as Second Vice-Chairman of the Integrity Committee.
    According to the media department of Parliament, Representative Hassanein Al-Khafaji was elected Chairman of the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee, in the presence of the Presidency of the Council. The Investment and Development Committee also elected the first deputy, Suzan Mansour Karam, and the second deputy, Hussein Al-Sabri.
    The Parliament's media department also said in a brief statement, received by Shafaq News Agency, that in the presence of the Presidency of the Parliament, Representative Atwan Al-Atwani was elected as Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Ahmed Mazhar, First Deputy, and Representative Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, Second Deputy.
    Representative Rebwar Hadi was also elected Chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Representative Mortada Al-Saadi as First Deputy, and Representative Abdul Karim Abtan as Second Deputy.
    Also, Representative Laila Al-Tamimi was elected Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Federal Service Committee, Representative Gandhi Al-Kazzani as First Vice-Chairman, and Representative Muhammad Al-Baldawi as Second Vice-Chairman.
    According to the parliament's media department, Representative Heibet al-Halbousi was also elected head of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Representative Nehru Mahmoud as First Deputy, and Representative Adnan al-Jabri as Second Deputy.
    Members of the Parliamentary Transportation Committee were also elected, in the presence of the Presidency of the House of Representatives, Representative Zahra Al-Bajari, Speaker, and Representative Akram Al-Assaf, First Deputy, Second Deputy Ibrahim Mirani.
    Likewise, the members of the Parliamentary Agriculture Committee elected MP Faleh Khazali as its chairman, the first deputy chairman of the committee, Zozan Ali, and the second deputy, Hussein Ali Mardan, according to the media department of the parliament, which indicated that the completion of the elections for chairpersons of the committees will be tomorrow, Monday, and the session will be postponed to a later time.

    Earlier, a spokesman for the State of Law Coalition, Bahaa al-Nuri, said that the parliament session will witness a vote on choosing a president, first and second deputy heads of the permanent parliamentary committees.
    Al-Nouri, a member of the Iraqi parliament, told Shafaq News agency, "The process of voting for the presidency of the permanent parliamentary committees will start from today's parliament session, and the vote will be to choose a president, first and second deputy for each permanent parliamentary committee," and indicated that "the election of The chairmen of the committees and their deputies will be through a vote of members within the committee, and there must be a quorum for the members in order to complete the vote according to the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives.
    And the Iraqi parliament voted, about two weeks ago, on the members of its 25 parliamentary committees, after it canceled previous decisions regarding the distribution of its deputies to those committees.
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