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    American Institute: Washington will lose from the region's oil shutdown, and it must take these step

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    American Institute: Washington will lose from the region's oil shutdown, and it must take these step Empty American Institute: Washington will lose from the region's oil shutdown, and it must take these step

    Post by Rocky Sat 01 Apr 2023, 7:26 am

    [size=30]American Institute: Washington will lose from the region's oil shutdown, and it must take these steps
    [ltr]2023.04.01 - 14:30[/ltr]
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    Baghdad - Nas  
    A report by the American Washington Institute confirmed that American interests will be damaged by the cessation of oil exports from the Kurdistan region, calling for obtaining financing to "buy" the debts of the Kurdistan region to oil traders, which amounts to about $4 billion.  
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    According to the report written by "Michael Knights" and translated by "NAS" (April 1, 2023), the removal of half a million barrels from global markets is not welcome at all, and constitutes a particularly dangerous development in the midst of the conflict in Ukraine, and at a time when it was US adversaries like Russia and Iran want to raise oil prices.  
    The report stressed that the United States has a direct interest in the case because American investors will be affected by the closure of the pipeline if it continues for a few weeks, not to mention the possible delay in the exports of the Iraqi Kurdistan region's much-needed gas to Iraq or Turkey and Europe.  
    The report concluded that the current situation is a loss for the United States, Iraq, Turkey and the Kurdistan region of Iraq. “In confusing situations, it is important to focus on what needs to happen to keep the oil flowing through the ITP.” The Iraqi government should instruct the State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) to send a letter to Turkey stating that it requests the reopening of the pipeline and all storage operations and Provides a set of tanker loading instructions to allow APR shipments to continue.  
    And the report indicated that both parties would recognize the arrangement as an emergency step limited in time to prevent economic damage to Iraq (including the Kurdistan region of Iraq) and global markets in Europe and Asia. It also gives Iraq and Turkey ample time to settle arbitration cases. Likewise, Baghdad and the Kurdistan region can take a break and return to the negotiating table, as the fundamentals of the recently approached deal are still valid.  
    The report presented proposals to the US administration and stressed the need to focus on the positive steps in its policy in the Middle East, not just fighting wars, and indicated that the most important and useful thing that it could do in Iraq is to help the country find peace with the Kurds, who represent the largest ethnic minority in the country because the deal The historic budget and oil law between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq are closer than ever” so Washington must go to great lengths to get it done. The pipeline is likely to reopen quickly — even in the coming days — but if it does not, states must the United States to act decisively."  
    Regarding the next steps, the report stated, "Expanding good offices to include all uncorrupted parties to help put the talks between Iraq, Turkey, Baghdad, and the Kurdistan region back on track."  
    The report also suggested that the United States could help Iraq obtain financing to "buy" the Kurdistan region's debt to oil traders (which would likely be $2-4 billion). This would allow for several things: that trading be passed on to SOMO; That Iraq achieve better prices for a barrel of crude oil administered by the Kurdistan Region of Iraq; And for the oil to pass only to end users who are authorized by the Saudi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO). It may be an option for the United States. The government buys Iraqi oil to restock the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  
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