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    After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi

    Admin Assist
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    After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi Empty After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Sep 2014, 4:56 am

    After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi


    According to trading in various media, as well as leaks here and there, the differences within the State of law Coalition, even within his inner circle, represented by the Dawa party, started growing considerably.

    According to information circulating, the former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki does not seem happy with the Vice-President of the Republic, which was granted to him by way of satisfaction, as some believe, or providing immunity against prosecutions, as others.

    A political source summarized for ((the eighth day)) the nature of the dispute between Al-Maliki and the Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi, on the other hand, it is based on several important issues, most notably the insistence of Maliki and the parties supporting him in the State of law Coalition to nominate Hadi al-Ameri, leader of the Organization (BRP), which has 22 deputies in the State of law coalition as Minister of the Interior, while Kenji still refuses ".

    The source believes that at a time when resolutions Abadi carrying much of the rebel leader in the Dawa party and in State law together, Nouri al-Maliki, which has driven the Al-Abbadi of unrivaled us support, there is another dimension to the continued refusal of Abbadi's Ameri the Interior Ministry, is the withdrawal of the State of law Coalition, and this means loss of 22 seats than Maliki's Alliance loses AV so much of maneuver out of the block of Independents led by Hussein Al-Shahrastani, The higher education portfolio recognizes outstanding leadership in the Dawa party, Ali al-adeeb, who is still suffering from the loss of a bag of tourism and antiquities, which will reflect on the State of law coalition and party, too. "

    The official source said that Maliki is strongly opposed the decision to stop the shelling of cities-Abadi, and when I got the massacre of saqlawiyah, counted as a result of his erroneous decisions, which led to an altercation between them such as travel Abadi to New York»

    The source adds: While Maliki said to Hassan Al-Abbadi decisions to stop shelling of cities is the reason he got, the Abadi told his predecessor that his decisions over the years brought the nation into what it is today. ''

    However, the tale did not end at that, according to the official source «began propositioning political party Al-Ibadi, her arms military loyal to Al-Maliki by asking them to prepare financial detention slips, as well as the weapons handed». But things did not end there. Parties supporting Maliki now see Ibadi may be completely out of the House of Shiite worship, including the position of Iran, the Al-Abbadi who welcomed so much international support, has welcomed Iranian support limited, nor did he take a position refusing to Iran to join the American International Alliance against organizing '' daash».

    Faced with this situation, leaving only the war against Al-Abadi, the first of which is exposed to the Internet, which is described as an army» was founded in the late era Al-Maliki to defend first, and secondly his opponents. Added to this is the army "demonstrations are being prepared for takeoff in the 30 's this month. The first «proofs» of these demonstrations began Tuesday in Basra under the pretext of not the oil-rich province of entitlement of the new ministerial lineup. Demonstrators carried banners also demanded the transfer of Basra to the territory of the Federation. But some protest leaders denied that the State of law Coalition behind the demonstration. It seems that the war against Al-Abbadi contention within the State of law Coalition, the MP Huda carpets found in a statement Wednesday that '' there are contacts support money demonstrations against Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi», adding that "these calls launched on social networking sites, and are influenced to drop Iraq's Shiite government, and not a drop Abadi as a person».

    The «Al-Abadi announced his Government, the House of representatives, but there are working to discredit the work of the Al-Abadi and its order to create chaos in the country of the foreign agenda. "

    While waiting for the Iraqi public demonstrations on 30 this month against Al-Abadi, the latter did not appear in their ward. Finally, procedures against what was seen as a den of Al-Maliki, is the Office of Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, which canceled it, it means distracting dozens of senior officers who were part of Al-Maliki continued between transport to less important sites or retirement. While there appears to be a full satisfaction by the Sunnis and Kurds, Al-Abbadi procedures unless they're asking themselves today as his biggest booster.(A.A)

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    After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi Empty Re: After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Sep 2014, 4:56 am

    Al-Maliki refuses to hand over the Office to his successor, Prime Minister

    28 September 2014

    Treasures media – Baghdad

    Detection of Adviser to the former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that the latter refused to hand over his Office to Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi.

    And the reservation to counsel to be named in a press release, that Al-Maliki lifted nameplate is the Office of the Prime Minister and replace it with another plate carrying the Vice President in the Presidential Palace, which is supposed to house the new Prime Minister.

    The source said that Al-Maliki's Office as Deputy President in the presidential compound in Baghdad's Jadiriyah district, next to the offices of Vice-Chairmen and Osama Al-nujaifi, Iyad Allawi, but the challenge for his successor, insisted on staying in Office.

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    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

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    After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi Empty Re: After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi

    Post by Bama Diva Sun 28 Sep 2014, 8:20 am

    rocky wrote:Al-Maliki refuses to hand over the Office to his successor, Prime Minister

    28 September 2014

    Treasures media – Baghdad

    Detection of Adviser to the former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that the latter refused to hand over his Office to Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi.

    And the reservation to counsel to be named in a press release, that Al-Maliki lifted nameplate is the Office of the Prime Minister and replace it with another plate carrying the Vice President in the Presidential Palace, which is supposed to house the new Prime Minister.

    The source said that Al-Maliki's Office as Deputy President in the presidential compound in Baghdad's Jadiriyah district, next to the offices of Vice-Chairmen and Osama Al-nujaifi, Iyad Allawi, but the challenge for his successor, insisted on staying in Office.

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    He is not going without a fight it seems. I hope Abadi has plenty of body guards.

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    After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi Empty Re: After his anger from the post of Vice President.. Al-Maliki "an electronic" rallying against Abbadi

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