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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    “Kirkuk is a model of coexistence and partnership.” The Turkmen component launches an initiative tha

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    “Kirkuk is a model of coexistence and partnership.” The Turkmen component launches an initiative tha Empty “Kirkuk is a model of coexistence and partnership.” The Turkmen component launches an initiative tha

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 Jan 2024, 4:47 am

    “Kirkuk is a model of coexistence and partnership.” The Turkmen component launches an initiative that adopts 6 axes
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Kirkuk
    Today, Wednesday (January 10, 2024), the Turkmen component of Kirkuk Governorate announced the launch of the “Kirkuk Vision 2024-2028” initiative, under the slogan “Kirkuk is a model of coexistence, partnership, and cultural diversity,” opportunities for development and prospects for prosperity.
    The list of the United Iraqi Turkmen Front stated in a statement received by “Baghdad Today” that, “Based on national responsibility and in view of the urgent challenges facing Iraq and the region and in response to the needs of the citizens of Kirkuk, the Turkmen component in Kirkuk Governorate announces the launch of the “Kirkuk Vision 2024-2028” initiative under The slogan “Kirkuk is a model of coexistence, partnership and cultural diversity” is opportunities for development and prospects for prosperity.
    She added: "The people of Kirkuk deserve to enjoy security, peace, and a prosperous future for all in accordance with promising participatory future visions that provide fair solutions to the problems that the governorate is going through through decisions and procedures adopted by the "Kirkuk Vision 2024-2028" initiative, indicating that "this initiative is keen to address the political and administrative situation." Security and social security, providing a decent life for all citizens of the governorate, including Turkmen, Kurds, Arabs, and Christians, without discrimination, achieving societal peace, preserving the social fabric, and providing the services that the people of the governorate deserve in accordance with the constitution and the law.”
    She explained that the “Kirkuk Vision” initiative adopts a realistic plan that takes into account the constitution and the directions of the federal government through the ministerial curriculum through implementable mechanisms, which includes a series of measures to correct the administrative path, enhance the economic and service reality, address existing problems, and achieve a real renaissance towards a bright future for the people of the governorate, including It ensures that Kirkuk becomes a model of good governance and is at the forefront of cities that support and contribute to partnership, dialogue, development and stability, and one of the cities that attracts investment and tourism due to its diversity in the culture of its components and its popular heritage.”
    She continued: “The Kirkuk Vision initiative includes the strategic vision and a government program based on implementing the plan from the beginning of the formation of the local government, according to priorities, taking into account urgent challenges, and mobilizing the available energies and Kirkuk competencies in state agencies to provide the best services to citizens in all sensitive and important sectors that affect daily life.” For citizens, under the direct supervision of the Prime Minister (and facilitated by the UN mission in Iraq), and with the participation of political forces, the State Administration Alliance, social and tribal activities, civil society, the media, experts, competencies, and elites.”
    She continued: “Because we believe that the “Kirkuk Vision” initiative is the foundation on which the local government performs its executive role, and is committed to performing its duties and implementing its provisions, and that criterion represents the basis for evaluating its performance, the responsibility for the success of the local government is a shared responsibility that includes all active forces, by promoting the values ​​of Citizenship, partnership and coexistence among the components of the governorate.”
    She pointed out that “the Kirkuk Vision initiative provides a summary of the main axes that constitute the general framework of the local government in Kirkuk, and it can be considered a comprehensive national vision and a general policy that seeks to achieve a sustainable reality in decent living for the people of the governorate, and enhance social cohesion and recovery from past negatives with a new participatory vision.” In which everyone bears their national responsibilities towards the people of Kirkuk, according to the main axes below:
    First: Power-sharing axis (application of joint management)
    Second: The security and military axis
    Third: Agricultural lands axis (ownership disputes)
    Fourth: The economic and investment axis (services, projects, health, agricultural and industrial sectors)
    Fifth: Energy, oil, land and air transport axis. 
    Sixth: The axis of culture, tourism, coexistence and civil peace
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      Current date/time is Sat 01 Jun 2024, 8:44 pm