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    Parliamentarians: the coming days will witness a discussion and a breakthrough in budget 2014

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Parliamentarians: the coming days will witness a discussion and a breakthrough in budget 2014  Empty Parliamentarians: the coming days will witness a discussion and a breakthrough in budget 2014

    Post by day dreamer Mon 03 Nov 2014, 4:51 pm

    [ltr]Parliamentarians: the coming days will witness a discussion and a breakthrough in budget 2014[/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad / justice - 11/03/2014 - 23:16 |[/ltr]


    'rgeh MP for the Iraqi National Alliance, Haider Alfoada, to witness the coming days to discuss the breakthrough in the 2014 budget.

     Alfoada said that "the parliament session, which was held last Thursday saw the host oil minister, and Finance to study the fiscal deficit in the 2014 budget."  He guessed Alfoada that "witnessing the coming days, to discuss the breakthrough in his balance in 2014," is noteworthy that the Majlis deputies hosted the twenty-fifth its session held last Thursday, led by Salim al-President of the Council and in the presence of {221} deputy finance ministers and oil and planning to discuss the budget for fiscal 2014.ovi outset Hosting Hoshyar Zebari, Minister of Finance said that the ministry revised budget estimates by including all government decisions on the release of funds by {1} on {12} in addition to included the powers to launch exchange advances to face terrorism and all associated with this subject needs, explaining that the expenditure amounted to {185} trillion dinars ongoing {103} trillion dinars and expenses of investment {82} trillion dinars and expenditures either revenue amounted to {105} trillion dinars and oil revenues {96} trillion dinars and non-oil {9} trillion dinars, and the planned deficit {79} trillion dinars and after reducing it reached {77} trillion and after the discount ranged between {39-36} trillion dinars He explained Zebari said that the Council of Ministers formed a new committee during the current month to re-define the priorities required, leading to deficit reduction and rationalization of expenditure to less than what can be the purpose of financing the planned deficit, where we were able to be reduced for about {27} trillion, alluding to the existence of a lack of crude oil source revenues due to lower prices and difficulties in production of security conditions. Stressing that the withdrawal of the reserve allocation from the Development Fund for Iraq during the 2012 and 2013 affected economically and consequent financial commitments to a number of decisions and laws on compensation and the ration card and electrical projects, noting that the committee recommended funding deficit through the Special Drawing from the International Monetary Fund as well as the issuance of treasury transfers to fund retirement and bank Rafidain and Rasheed, indicating that the amount of required deficit financing {21} trillion dinars a Maittalb adoption of new styles, including the imposition of taxes on some luxury goods or communications.
    And the Minister of Finance and the presence of several proposals, including an agreement with the Central Bank of EXTRA discount reservists law to {7} instead of {15%} and the establishment of Trade Bank of Iraq to grant the Ministry of Finance loan b {3} billion and the issuance of securities, which means that the fiscal deficit by about {5 } trillion dinars, indicating near launch urgent batch of money available to the Kurdistan region and is currently working to prepare the budget for fiscal year 2015.

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