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    The Secretariat reveals to “Al-Zawraa” the latest developments in the Baghdad Metro project and sets

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    The Secretariat reveals to “Al-Zawraa” the latest developments in the Baghdad Metro project and sets Empty The Secretariat reveals to “Al-Zawraa” the latest developments in the Baghdad Metro project and sets

    Post by Rocky Fri 09 Aug 2024, 4:45 am

    Posted on[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]The Secretariat reveals to “Al-Zawraa” the latest developments in the Baghdad Metro project and sets the date for its implementation[/size]

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    It confirmed that the project consists of 7 tracks and 82 stations....
    Al-Zawraa/ Hussein Faleh:
    The Baghdad Municipality revealed the latest developments regarding the capital’s metro project, and while it set next year as the date for implementing the project by the coalition of companies, it confirmed that the project consists of 7 tracks and 82 stations.
    Baghdad Municipality spokesman Mohammed Al-Rubaie told Al-Zawraa: The latest developments in the Baghdad Metro project are negotiations with the coalition of companies that won the investment opportunity with three parties, the consulting party, which is the consulting office in the municipality, which looks into the issue of the fine details of the company in terms of the designs and the seven tracks, the second party and beneficiary is the Baghdad Municipality, which will be responsible for all technical matters, and the third party is the National Investment Commission, and all of this is done under the supervision of the Prime Minister’s Advisory Council for Transportation Affairs. He added: The parties that met negotiated with the coalition of companies on the technical side of the project, and the most important point in the negotiations is the seven tracks, how, when and what is the mechanism for launching the project with its first steps, which is submitting the detailed study, as the work will turn from talk and vision to designing track number one starting from and to, and determining its stations, and track number 2 from and to, and also determining its stations, reaching track number 7, and the first track will start launching in 2025. He explained: The negotiations are now reaching the fastest point, and we can say that we have laid the first pillar The cornerstone is digging the pillars, i.e. the pillars of the train columns, whether underground, on the platform or suspended, for this metro, which was named the Baghdad Metro, 164 km long, with 7 lines and 82 stations. He pointed out that: The precise technical details will go to the secondary committees that held their first meetings directly after the Prime Minister opened the tender and blessed the coalition company that received the project, which consists of 12 giant European companies with specialized technical, industrial, financial and commercial companies, which took over the file. Earlier, the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Transport Affairs, Nasser Al-Asadi, said in an interview with “Al-Zawraa”: The Baghdad Metro project will be implemented by a coalition of companies that includes approximately 9 companies from the largest international companies specialized in the field of trains in the world. Pointing out that the project will be managed by the Transport Advisory in the Prime Minister's Office, and under the Prime Minister's supervision and follow-up. He added: We formed a committee in our office to manage the project, and the relevant sectoral body, which is the Baghdad Municipality, also formed a specialized committee for this project, and a working team was formed in the Investment Authority regarding the project. Stressing: The three teams formed will unite into one committee to manage this major project. He pointed out: The project is entirely an investment project at a rate of 100%, meaning that the investor is the one who pays the money and not the government, and this is part of the government's support for the private sector, as such projects must be managed by the private sector and not the government. Indicating: According to Iraqi laws, more than 50 percent of the workforce must be Iraqis in investment projects. He continued: There will be a specialization from the engineering departments in Iraqi universities to manage and maintain trains, and this will provide new job opportunities. Noting: The consultant and the investor are legally obligated, according to the signed contract, to train the Iraqi cadre to take over the project gradually according to the opportunities that are available. He pointed out: There will be four stations to cover the electricity for this project, meaning that the project has no connection to the national electricity grid.[/size]
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      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 1:48 am