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    Al-Sudani's advisor dispels salary concerns: We have sufficient "liquidity"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Al-Sudani's advisor dispels salary concerns: We have sufficient "liquidity" Empty Al-Sudani's advisor dispels salary concerns: We have sufficient "liquidity"

    Post by Rocky Mon 12 Aug 2024, 4:30 am

    Al-Sudani's advisor dispels salary concerns: We have sufficient "liquidity"

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    Baghdad Today - Baghdad
    Mazhar Muhammad Salih, economic advisor to Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, commented  today, Sunday (August 11, 2024), on concerns about the government’s inability to pay employees’ salaries due to financial liquidity.
    Saleh told Baghdad Today, "Speculations about the future of cash liquidity are launched from time to time and they undoubtedly fluctuate in a vague area of ​​information."
    He added: "These are just concerns that are being circulated here and there, and they are just speculations that do not provide sufficient data about the nature of the policy and management of general liquidity in the economy," indicating that "this information was not based on the mechanisms and capabilities of the monetary issuance authority in regulating cash liquidity and controlling its levels in the country."
    Saleh pointed out that "the monetary authority has sufficient flexibility to enhance the liquidity of the economy on a regular basis and meet the needs of total monetary demand in more than one direction."
    He explained that "the Central Bank of Iraq, being the bank of monetary issuance according to the country's legal system, has the task of managing liquidity levels and stabilizing them in quantities, values ​​and timings that maintain the stability of the national economy and the regularity of its transactions."
    Saleh concluded: “The tasks of issuing money are one of the most important essential duties of monetary policy in providing the requirements of the monetary payments system and its need for monetary units in different amounts and monetary categories, in addition to managing their flows and balances throughout the economy.”
    Every now and then, fears are circulated in Iraq about the government’s inability to pay employees’ salaries due to financial liquidity, especially since the country’s oil revenues, which constitute more than 90% of the Iraqi economy, are in Iraq’s account at the US Federal Reserve.
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      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 10:55 am