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    MP: Oil licensing rounds need to be reconsidered to achieve the principle of justice

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    MP: Oil licensing rounds need to be reconsidered to achieve the principle of justice Empty MP: Oil licensing rounds need to be reconsidered to achieve the principle of justice

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Sep 2024, 4:59 am

    MP: Oil licensing rounds need to be reconsidered to achieve the principle of justice

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    [rtl]Member of Parliament, Ali Saadoun, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the oil licensing rounds need to be reconsidered to achieve the principle of justice, while revealing the existence of injustice to Maysan Governorate during these rounds.[/rtl]
    [rtl]Saadoun said, "The licensing rounds concluded by the Ministry of Oil need to review some of their provisions in order to achieve the principle of justice and fairness," stressing that "Maysan produces more than 600 thousand barrels of oil per day and supports the federal treasury with money and lives a reality that no two people disagree on, that it is difficult and there is injustice."[/rtl]
    [rtl]He added, "The salary of a Chinese employee, for example, in the Bazargan and Halfaya fields in Maysan is at least $15,000 per month, while an Iraqi who works with the same experience and specialization does not reach $2,000," indicating that "there is a huge disparity in addition to the fact that there are hundreds of families who have submitted their agricultural contracts in order to expand the oil fields for promises of employment, and their rights have not been proven yet, despite the passage of many years in terms of employment."[/rtl]

    Added 09/04/2024 - 10:04 AM
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