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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Midnight “Release” Again – 178 Page FBI Clinton Email Document Release With Interesting Content…


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    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Midnight “Release” Again – 178 Page FBI Clinton Email Document Release With Interesting Content… Empty Midnight “Release” Again – 178 Page FBI Clinton Email Document Release With Interesting Content…

    Post by Lobo Sat 04 Feb 2017, 2:11 pm

    Midnight “Release” Again – 178 Page FBI Clinton Email Document Release With Interesting Content…

    Posted on February 4, 2017 by sundance
    Internet researcher Katica has again discovered the FBI quietly, and without explanation, just released another batch of documents from the “ongoing” FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email use and classified information.  This is release #6, and interestingly this release is titled “part 06 of 06” so there might not be any more.  However, this batch is quite a bit more interesting.
    The Super-Bowl weekend release is not a document dump; it surfaces as more of a leak than an official release – this is the same way release #5 surfaced.  Katica has an archive notification set-up to alert when the FBI host data site is changed or updated –SEE HERE– Like release #5, the #6 release is not visible directly, but is downloadable to review –SEE HERE– It’s weird how they are doing this; whoever “they” are.
    Midnight “Release” Again – 178 Page FBI Clinton Email Document Release With Interesting Content… Clinton-emailsMidnight “Release” Again – 178 Page FBI Clinton Email Document Release With Interesting Content… Comey-2
    “Why aren’t the Patriots 50 points ahead you might ask?”…  Well, we have downloaded the data and uploaded it into a visible pdf format embed below.  Here’s a few quick glance notes some of the more interesting pages.
    ♦ Pages 11 and 12, outline an interview conducted as an outcome of a “walk in” to the FBI office by a long-term government official inside the Department of State who provided physical evidence and gave a statement.
    ♦ Page 55 is really interesting because it shows the results of a forensic examination on July 15th 2016 which discovered 1,539 work related emails between Clinton and Huma Abedin that were not turned over to the State Department.   The 7/15/16 date is important because this discovery was AFTER FBI Director James Comey gave the press conference stating the FBI did not -at that time- have evidence to support a criminal finding.

    Midnight “Release” Again – 178 Page FBI Clinton Email Document Release With Interesting Content… Hillary-laugh-1Midnight “Release” Again – 178 Page FBI Clinton Email Document Release With Interesting Content… Hillary-weird
    ♦ Page 80 Justin Cooper surfaces again.  Some people suspect Cooper was cooperating with the FBI for much longer than it originally appeared.  I agree with that suspicion.
    ♦ Page 122 Interview Notes that appear to be related to page 80 (JC).
    ♦ Page 130/131 Interview notes from a [REDACTED] caller (annoyingly redacted).
    ♦ Page 139 Appears to be interview notes related to the discovery of Paul Combetta aka “Stonetear” on Reddit.  Date of interview November 17th 2016, post election.
    ♦ Pages 150+ there are multiple pages of hand written interview notes by the FBI investigators.  Based on the notes, it appears some of these latter FBI interviews were quite lengthy.
    HERE is the full release in a 178 page readable and sharable pdf format:

    Feel free to use the comments section for your review and notes.  Oh, and thanks in advance for people who can read that chicken scratch FBI handwriting in places.

      Current date/time is Mon 02 Dec 2024, 2:16 pm