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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Salafist armed factions in Iraq forms Shura Council


    Posts : 5059
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Salafist armed factions in Iraq forms Shura Council  Empty Salafist armed factions in Iraq forms Shura Council

    Post by chouchou Tue 30 Jul 2013, 6:48 am

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    Shafaq News / Salafist armed factions in Iraq announced on Monday, forming Shura Council to face what it called as “killings and displacement” operation against “Sunnis” in some provinces of the country , while gave the rest of the armed factions two days to announce its position to join the formed Council

    A statement issued by those factions briefed by “Shafaq News” said that “it has directed the elders, factions and clans as a first step in response to what is happening to the Sunnis of displacement, murder and harassment after directing several letters but with no feasibility”.

    “In response to the extensive military campaign waged by the Safavid forces on Salahuddin , Diyala and Kirkuk provinces and as a first step to stop Islamic nation bleeding we announce the establishment of Islamic Shura Council of the Salafist factions in Iraq from several Salafi factions in Iraq”.

    The statement noted that “these factions are awaiting the position of the other factions as the second step after this work as it will be the final, but we will wait for them for two days only and then announce the general statement of the Council”.

    According to the statement, the factions “ the only one in the Council are: the Salafist Group in Iraq, the Salafist jihadist Group in Iraq, the Salafist Group combatant in Iraq, the Army of Islamic awakening, Nusrah Front in Iraq, the Army of Ansar al -Sharia in Iraq, Knights of Islam in Iraq, Jund al-Islam in Iraq, Ansar faction in Iraq”.

    Violence has surged widely since the beginning of this year as insurgents are waging fierce coordinated attacks by car bombs, grenades, machine guns and shells against civilian and government targets

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