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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    What is the nature of Iraq's work with the United Nations after the end of the UNAMI mission?

    Admin Assist
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    What is the nature of Iraq's work with the United Nations after the end of the UNAMI mission? Empty What is the nature of Iraq's work with the United Nations after the end of the UNAMI mission?

    Post by Rocky Sun 02 Jun 2024, 4:52 am

    What is the nature of Iraq's work with the United Nations after the end of the UNAMI mission?
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Saturday (June 1, 2024), Advisor to the Prime Minister, Hussein Allawi, explained the nature of Iraq’s work with the United Nations after the end of the UNAMI mission, noting that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani developed a road map for the work of the government apparatus after the end of the mission’s work in Iraq.
    Allawi said in a press statement, followed by “Baghdad Today,” that “the Iraqi state has regained the capabilities and vitality of government institutions and succeeded in managing the economy, and this is what Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani has worked on for more than a year and a half,” indicating that “there is great activity.” "The Iraqi government is very supportive of strengthening the state, its capabilities and capabilities, as well as its regional and international relations."
    He added, "This made the countries of the world, the United Nations, alliances, and international institutions praise the Iraqi government and recognize its capabilities in managing national sovereignty, enforcing the law, and managing the economy and political life normally," pointing out, "This is what made the Iraqi government, headed by Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, turn to... Submitting a request to the United Nations to end the UNAMI mission, as well as returning to exercising its normal role in Iraq and continuing our relationship with the United Nations and its own organizations.”
    He stated, "Iraq's national capabilities have been completed in managing its normal situation and the Iraqi state's ability to manage national solutions and develop solutions to the problems it has suffered from for 20 years," pointing out, "This is what we have observed in the national renaissance since the government assumed responsibility in the fall of 2022." Until this moment, because there are national solutions to all the problems we were facing, including the Kirkuk crisis, which was resolved after the Prime Minister conducted strategic contacts with the leadership in the Kurdistan region and the national leaders in Kirkuk.”
    He continued, "We want to develop our capabilities in the field of confronting climate change, in the field of economic reform, in the field of information technology, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, and this requires that cooperation take place between the Iraqi state and the institutions of the government apparatus with corresponding institutions, whether international through the United Nations or institutions affiliated with non-international organizations." Government or countries corresponding to us through their institutions, ministries, as well as their administration.
    He stated, "Cooperation will continue with these organizations in terms of exchanging experiences," pointing out, "The Prime Minister has developed a road map for the work of the government apparatus in the period after the UNAMI mission ends its work in Iraq, which is to be the mechanism for the regional coordinator and work with international organizations and institutions." affiliated with the United Nations in a natural and sectoral manner, meaning that the health sector and health-related organizations work with the Ministry of Health and the relevant ministries, as well as the governorates in which there may be challenges to epidemics as well as challenges to diseases that we face in Iraq.
    He continued, "Iraq, according to international reports, is the most vulnerable to climate change, which requires national plans that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani worked on," explaining, "Developing our ability to confront the effects of climate challenges is important, whether in our use of water or changing building systems and the sustainability of agriculture." And green spaces.
    Allawi, on the other hand, stated that “encouraging the Iraqi private sector is encouraging the capabilities of young people in this field and engaging them through the Supreme Council for Youth, as well as the initiatives launched by the Prime Minister in the sustainability of environmental life, which will produce large investment projects while reducing gas burning to reduce carbon emissions inside Iraq.” Therefore, it will protect our southern governorates and the middle Euphrates regions from burning gas and turning it into a national wealth, and this is what the Prime Minister worked on in Maysan, as well as in Basra and Nasiriyah.”
    He stated, “There is sustainable work in other governorates that will increase our capabilities in the process of responding to climate change, in addition to raising awareness and education about the effects of the environment on public life,” noting, “There are awareness campaigns carried out by universities, schools, and educational institutions, in addition to civil society organizations.” "Away from the mission."
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