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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Zionist settlers chased the Bedouins of Jerusalem in order to displace them

    Admin Assist
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    Zionist settlers chased the Bedouins of Jerusalem in order to displace them Empty Zionist settlers chased the Bedouins of Jerusalem in order to displace them

    Post by Rocky Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:00 am

    Zionist settlers chased the Bedouins of Jerusalem in order to displace them


    Settlers chasing the settlement of "Ma'ale Adumim", east of occupied Jerusalem, Palestinian Bedouin in the region, through the so-called "Passover Feast", in response to the so-called "body Jerusalem envelope", which includes representatives from several settlements.
    The newspaper "Haaretz" Hebrew, in a report published on Thursday: "The Jerusalem Envelope Authority" includes representatives from several settlements, including "Alon" and "Kfar Adumim" and "Novi Pratt" and "Mitzpe Jericho" and "Regional Council of Benjamin."
    He says a spokesman for the Authority, it is working against the Palestinian - European legal construction in the region, and on the axis of the street 1 between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea.
    The Commission claims that two years ago, established the Bedouin Arabs in the region, 22 houses donations European, and then decided to allocate a special budget and human forces from the settlements to monitor what is going on as a deterrent to the population of the area of ​​construction, where the movement reports immediately all building to the police and civil administration Israeli-Palestinian territories process in order to be torn down immediately before reaching the courts.
    He adds that in 2016 the number of buildings fell by 20 compared to 2015, ie, that the activity of the body led to the demolition of buildings.
    The paper quoted, a source in the body, he said, it is "working for the enforcement of the civil administration authority, and the transfer of Bedouin to the towns allocated by the State for them", in a clear reference to displace them from their lands, which are present it for hundreds of years before the advent of these settlers.
    It should be noted that talk about 20 gathering Arab Bedouin living in the region for many years, before the establishment of settlements, and with the establishment of settlements restrictions began into grazing areas, were expelled some communities from the area in order to expand the settlement of "Ma'ale Adumim" and prevented from link networks of electricity and water, setting up medical clinics and schools.
    The report noted in this context that the European Union described the scheme, including the demolition and prevent the construction, as the displacement of force is prohibited under international law.

      Current date/time is Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:28 pm