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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hamas backed by Iran "implicitly" recognizes Israel!

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Hamas backed by Iran "implicitly" recognizes Israel! Empty Hamas backed by Iran "implicitly" recognizes Israel!

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 May 2017, 3:13 am

    Hamas backed by Iran "implicitly" recognizes Israel!

    Last updated: 2 May 2017 - 9:48 p
    Baghdad / News Network Iraq announced that the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) to accept the establishment of one Palestinian state, Jerusalem as its capital, on the borders of 1967 .ujae within the movement said it was "a document of new political principles" revealed during an expanded press conference yesterday in the capital Qatar Doha in the presence of a large number of the movement 's leaders also continue to attend with a number of other leaders of the movement in Gzh.oukal Khaled Mashaal , head of the political bureau of the movement today sector, it said that the document reflects the political evolution of the movement and openness, adding that it is part of the literature of Hamas and pave the way for other documents in Almstqubl.otns document on the right to return to Jamie P Palestinians outside their homes and rejects all efforts to settle the refugee issue projects, including the resettlement or search for an alternative homeland , whether in Sinai or in any other region. He said that these points are reassuring everyone that the movement did not lose its authenticity or retreat from its principles or Islamic principles. Several media have leaked reports on the movement to declare its amended document to be recognized internationally. The leaks included that the amended charter includes 14 items, the most important item recognizes the limits of the year Which is tantamount to recognizing Israel implicitly, as well as classifying the conflict with it as a political and ideological conflict. The Israeli government has followed Hamas' declaration of rejection of the charter, calling it an attempt by Hamas to deceive the world into becoming a more moderate group. Ba M Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said that "Hamas is trying to deceive the world but it will not succeed."

      Current date/time is Mon 13 Jan 2025, 1:53 pm