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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    Transportation announces the opening of a direct air route between Baghdad and Belgrade

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Transportation announces the opening of a direct air route between Baghdad and Belgrade   Empty Transportation announces the opening of a direct air route between Baghdad and Belgrade

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 May 2017, 3:43 am

    Transportation announces the opening of a direct air route between Baghdad and Belgrade  

    A spokesman for the Ministry of Transport Salim Moussa on Tuesday, opening a direct air route between Baghdad and the Serbian capital Belgrade, the end of this month in the absence of a "hindrance" administrative, noting that the Transport Minister Kazem cup has been working to open air transmission lines directly between Baghdad European capitals to restore Iraqi Airways traffic to reality.

    Moussa said in an interview seen by "Economy News", "Transport Minister Kazem cup Hammami has been working towards the open air transmission lines directly between Baghdad and European capitals in order to stimulate air traffic and the movement of Iraqi Airways and return to reality," noting that "the minister is going towards the lifting of the ban on the progress of Iraqi aircraft over European airspace. "

    He added that "these efforts have been strengthened to open air direct lines between Baghdad and some countries, where they were going to Serbia and held several meetings and agreements resulted in finding a formula to open a direct line with Belgrade and accepted with Athens," noting that "the collection of visa direct from the airport need for efforts it should be made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and there is an effective approach on the matter. "

    He continued Moses, "There is a direct line will be opened at the end of this month if not for administrative obstacles between Baghdad and Belgrade," asserting that "a direct flight line will be the presence of Visa while access procedures with external Serbian or foreign ministries ministry in other countries that are open direct flight with them to cancel lines. "

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