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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Seven provinces protest against pensions


    Posts : 5059
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Seven provinces protest against pensions  Empty Seven provinces protest against pensions

    Post by chouchou Sun 06 Oct 2013, 4:20 am

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    Shafaq News / Seven provinces, including the capital, Baghdad witnessed on Saturday, demonstrations demanding to cancel MPs pensions as well as three presidencies and special grades pensions, while demonstrators in Baghdad have been attacked with “batons “by a special task force.

    “Shafaq News” reporters said that “ hundreds of people came out in large demonstrations in each of Baghdad , Najaf, Karbala, Babil , Dhi -Qar, Muthanna and Diwaniyah provinces , demanding to cancel pensions of MPs and three presidencies “.

    Activists in Baghdad’s demonstrations told “Shafaq News “said that “The special force surrounded Tahrir Square in the center of the capital, prevented them from reaching to the square and beaten them with batons”.

    It is worth mentioning that thousands of people have demonstrated at the end of August in 14 provinces as: Baghdad, Basra, Maysan, Najaf, Babil , Diwaniyah, Anbar, Nineveh, Karbala, Diyala , Kirkuk, Dhi -Qar, Wasit and Muthanna.

    An overwhelming wave of anger that swept the country last August has led to the announcement of Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki to show his support for the demands of the demonstrators. The demonstrators in the capital and Dhi- Qar province have been exposed to the assault by security forces.

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