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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Bama Diva
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    New Forum "Currency Scam Articles."


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    New Forum "Currency Scam Articles." Empty New Forum "Currency Scam Articles."

    Post by Neno Mon 03 Mar 2014, 7:33 pm

    Currency Scam Articles.
    I want to add this new forum for new threads of all reported bad things about currency investing, buying, exchanging, or what ever peeps want to call it. Evidently, we that do this are the Stupid Does" so, I want everyone that reads this board to be able and have the right to see what is reported and may comment on the new threads ever started by a new found released report.
    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

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    New Forum "Currency Scam Articles." Empty Re: New Forum "Currency Scam Articles."

    Post by Bama Diva Mon 03 Mar 2014, 7:56 pm

    Dang Neno, you trying to cheer us up or something with all of these dinar scam articles?? Lol. Or are you trying to warn us? Just asking :-)

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    New Forum "Currency Scam Articles." Empty .................................

    Post by Neno Mon 03 Mar 2014, 8:03 pm

    lol, Just starting a new forum as NNP has always allowed it from both sides rather good or bad, it is all in what you believe. Description of that new forum start is above...

    OS: You should know by now what I believe (SDR)... ;)
    Quiet Investor
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    New Forum "Currency Scam Articles." Empty Re: New Forum "Currency Scam Articles."

    Post by Echobiz Thu 06 Mar 2014, 11:47 pm

    Neno wrote:Currency Scam Articles.
    I want to add this new forum for new threads of all reported bad things about currency investing, buying, exchanging, or what ever peeps want to call it. Evidently, we that do this are the Stupid Does" so, I want everyone that reads this board to be able and have the right to see what is reported and may comment on the new threads ever started by a new found released report.
    I don't want to burst anyone's bubble or say that bad things are going to happen, but i really wonder how many follow the happenings around the country as well as the tyranny of many in our State and Federal Legislature.

    Is currency a good thing to bank on?  If not, then why?

    I don't place the value on money.  I place the value on Sovereignty, Liberty, Opportunity, Freedom and one thing you better believe is there will be NO FREEDOM unless you have the other Three ingredients to this Grand Constitutional Republic.

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and no I am not talking about my Dog.  So far the only wealth that has been divvied up is between the Corrupt Politicians, the bankers and their friends who all had at least $5 Million in the bank before they were even contacted.  Many of them had not even considered international currency, but were told to go get some and bring it in for exchange.  (WoW-Insider Trading/Information) Legal?  Not hardly.

    The contract rates have nothing to do with the RV, but then crimes are always committed where the criminals have the most to gain with the least amount of visibility.  What they did not count on is the fact they were not putting the screws to the welfare class of people who only know how to hold out their hands.  

    Those of us who took the plunge to better ourselves, have at least been active where money can be made, whether we made any real money of not.  We are the Veterans who have served this country and those willing to follow us because they know something about following.  

    I have no doubt that the world currencies are real and they revalue along the lines of Assets and GNP, but we have to also consider the criminals who control the banking industry for their own personal gain as well as control over people, markets and the world as a whole.  

    Fiat Money based on Fractional Banking policies have been know by many to be very bad policy and if you or I tried it in our neighborhoods, we would end up in prison.  So why do the Financiers get away with it?  

    They have the power to overthrow governments, murder whomever they want, install anyone into a leadership position who will do their bidding.  They have murdered Presidents, Representatives, many who have gone against them right down to the peon on the street if they squealed out loud in the wrong place and at the right time to gain their attention.  

    Fact, the FRN (Federal Reserve Note) is bankrupt.  Fact, the Euro is bankrupt.  Fact Iraq has Oil, Gold, and an infrastructure that has the potential to make them the richest, most powerful nation in the middle east and even the world. This alone makes it well worth investing in their future as all that could come from such an investment is good; or is it? 

    The Question we all have to ask is where do the Globalists Stand with such power?  The World Financiers?  They have never liked competition and we have a history of world changes at their whim.

    In fact, when the Dollar bottoms out and many countries continue to turn away from a Fiat Money/Central Banking System, the financiers lose and they know this.  Thus, we have currency wars that can have the potential to start WWIII.  

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly?  
    The good is that we are here, waiting our chance to make our mark on the world.
    The bad is the controllers who are known to preach depopulation of the planet
    The Ugly is the potential of who has the ultimate power of control.

    Did you see the Movie, "Pearl Harbor?"
    Did you see the Naval Shipyard in South Carolina the first of February?

    Do you understand the significants of Obama giving the Order for all of our Flat tops to be docked at the same place at the same time and the potential for a false flag that could have destroyed our Navy and our ability to defend this country?

    Do you understand the significants of the nuclear missiles that were removed from West Texas at the same time without signature.  Thank God they were stopped?  

    Do you understand the rumors and their significants of a nuclear explosive (Richter scaler readings in the Atlantic from "supposedly" a nuclear bomb explosion at this time? 

    Do we understand the significants of our top Officers being relieved of command; to include those in charge of nuclear weapons security? 

    Scams?  The biggest scam in the world was when we thought we won the Revolution, but in fact a discussion between the Rothschilds and King George III resulted in saving many British lives and a whole lot of MONEY, by changing tactics.  

    What did the Rothschilds want?  Control of the worlds wealth!  Do you suppose that meant the new wealth that would come from such a powerful idea as a Constitutional Republic?  

    We fought a war to end the Rothschild strangle hold on the Colonies and then after we claimed victory, our banking system was handed back over the England in a 20 year Charter by our first Secretary of the Treasury; Alexander Hamilton.

    Thomas Jefferson refused to extend the Charter when it was due and we went to war again with England; the War of 1812.  

    We signed as victors at the Treaty of Ghent, but in fact a few weeks later the British were soundly defeated at the Battle of New Orleans by Andrew Jackson.  

    We won our freedom from the Bankers again, but James Madison gave them another 20 year Charter because of the devastation the war in Europe cost and the war of 1812 and the United States was once again in trouble financially because of England.  Do business with the devil and the devil may lose but at the same time, he wins. 

    The Rothschilds were adamant about winning and controlling the United States and by subversion tactics, always remained close to the powers in this country in order to work they way into the power center of the United States.  

    Andrew Jackson called the bankers a den of thieves and threw them out.  There was an attempt on his life, but Jackson escaped unscathed because the gun failed to fire.

    All US money was transferred from the Central Bank to private banks and on January 8th 1835, the US Debt was paid in full for the first and only time in the history of this country. However, the Rothschilds henchmen were right on track, working their ways with our Congress and State Senators. 

    The Whig Party under Tyler reinstated the Bankers, but they had no real power at the time, but they were back in. Lincoln was assassinated because he refused to do business with them.  However, Salmon P. Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury under Lincoln pushed through the National Banking Act of 1864 and with that act came several new laws governing currency.  Still, the bankers had no power, but the Corporates were given much power to begin to control and monopolize.  

    Garfield would do not business with the Bankers and one week before he was assassinated, made a statement against the banker.  Yet, we don't have a clue who killed this President or why.  

    President McKinley was a staunch advocate of a Gold Standard and would do no business with the bankers.  He was assassinated in 1901.  By who?  No records exist of even a conspiracy as there are no theories.  

    Besides anyone who suggested any Conspiracy at any time were always dubbed a "Conspiracy Theorist"!  Tell me, how can anyone have a theory if there is not first a Conspiracy?  Thus, calling people names was just a smoke screen to shut people down. 

    The Bank Failure of 1907 was believed a conspiracy to gain the attention of Congress so the Bankers could make a move to control the nations currency.  It took some convincing, I suppose, but then where there is a little profit, people can be bought (to include Congressional Representatives).

    In December 1912, a handful of Congressmen met on Christmas Eve and approved the documents necessary for Woodrow Wilson to sign into effect the 16th Amendment.  Thus, in 1913 we lost to England, but the work was just beginning for the Bankers.  

    They established the IRS and for the first time sin history we needed an income Tax and it was allowed that a private corporation could tax Sovereign Citizens of Sovereign States across State Boards in their Redistribution of Wealth Program to enhance the bankers (International Owners), while changing the face of this nation to a welfare state.  

    1917, the Bank of England was moved from London to Wall Street.

    1920, we had a bank failure after many were duped into borrowing to pay for Stocks in a guaranteed means of getting rich for Ten Cents on the dollar.  When the debt reached a significant level, the bankers closed their doors and recalled the money owed them, but the people had no money.  Since they could not pay the bankers, property and all the wealth that could be attached was pure profit for the bankers.  

    1929, the same scenario, but it was much worst this time and to follow was the confiscation of the peoples wealth; their gold.  It was now illegal for the American People to own gold.  Amazing, a sovereign people taxed buy a foreign entity and disallowed as a sovereign citizens to own their personal property.

    1963, President Kennedy was assassinated, one week after making a significant speech about the dangers this country faced by certain criminals.  This of course was after he had already signed the Presidential Executive Order No. 11110 to provide the american citizens with a wealth backed currency of which would have placed the bankers out of business. 

    After this, social security was stolen from those who had accepted it as a volunteer program to grow wealth from the security of the Government for their own retirement.  Today, bankrupt. 

    Nixon took us off the Gold Standard.  The Federal Reserve was in complete control of our currency and the UST was basically a basket case burden on the US Tax payer because we were all faced with renting currency from the FED. 

    Credit, Credit, Credit for everyone and Perpetual Debt became a reality.  We could no longer plan on being debt free because there was no way out of a controlled economy.  The transportation industry was completely deregulated to the point the monopolies took over in 1980 and there was no way for a truck driver or small company to ever escape the cost vs. profit and quite often bankruptcy in an industry that had no level playing field. 

    Our industries began to close down or be shipped to other countries and the people began downsizing with an increase annually in bankruptcies and foreclosures until after the beginning of this new century when these maladies climbed into the Millions.  

    People do not have savings accounts.  Most of our wealth was disposed of trying to survive and our college students are bankrupt soon after the graduate (most of them).  There are no real jobs that pay living wages and cars and homes have become so expensive few people can obtain a mortgage today.  

    We have an illegal alien in the White house (undocumented - an no one can prove otherwise).  We have 36 or more terrorist training camps scattered all across this country (in strategic places) and nothing has been done about it.  We have State Legislatures passing or attempting to pass gun laws that will ultimately take away our means for self defense and they don't care about the Constitution.  

    In fact most of our Congress could be tried and found guilty on charges of Treason just from their voting records, and nothing is being done about it.  

    The Self Anointed  "ELITE" have shared amongst themselves the Contract Rates of considerable wealth from a $1 Trillion dollars available and then the bankers were given the go ahead to process another half trillion, but who did it go to?  Their friends, of course; all while we wait to see what we get and if we get anything from a global reset simply because we have Washington DC in an all our effort to destroy our Constitution, Our Military, our Constitutional Rights and the rumor has been the potential of WWIII to eliminate populations of people.  

    There are many good people working hard to protect this nation, but their hands have been pretty much tied.  Whistle blowers will continue to come out and cause the powers set backs and world events will continue until someone pushes the wrong button (if that will be allowed).  We don't know; hell we have not even paid attention to the fact our Votes mean nothing unless we vote for those who PREACH THE CONSTITUTION.  

    Can we survive this?  if we do, some may assuredly become very wealthy.  That depends on how much you have placed into risk in this volatile world we live in.  For those who have done nothing, they have already lost.


    Quite Simply, a nations wealth is not based on fiat money, gold standard, oil standard or any other derivative of singular wealth that is controlled.  

    Don't forget, we live in a bankrupt nation where foreclosure is the name of the game along with welfare and government dependency.  What will your wealth mean in such a world where everyone will look down upon you because they are poor and you are wealthy?  

    This country needs to learn that the only way to be a healthy and wealthy nation again is to develop a limited Government and a huge GNP.  That means, we have to learn how to create wealth and at the same time, insure wealth is circulated within the hands of many.  

    You can't enjoy wealth in a land of poverty unless you can escape to paradise on occasion and leave the poverty of your nation behind you.  That is kind of selfish don't you think?  

    You can't just give all your money away to the poor because that will make you just as poor as they are, so you must also teach others about creation of wealth and circulation of wealth.  If you don't and/or they don't learn, you find yourself living in the land of poverty.  

    I wonder what most will do when we reach that plateau?  If we don't make it, we will know that the whole world is in trouble because of the world Financiers and their control measures over people and nations.

    I am waiting to go to the bank as there is much to be done. What about you?

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    New Forum "Currency Scam Articles." Empty Re: New Forum "Currency Scam Articles."

    Post by Neno Fri 07 Mar 2014, 4:17 am

    Jesus, just lay out there ecobiz. Better then I could of... ;)
    Dedicated Investor
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    New Forum "Currency Scam Articles." Empty One thing that has puzzled me.

    Post by ksp Fri 07 Mar 2014, 8:05 pm

    One thing that has puzzled me. 

    All the people that are in a position to cause an RV:

     ~ Probably have billions of IQD stashed away.
     ~ Probably are corrupt and greedy like most politicians.
     ~ Could become multi billionaires in USD with a stroke of the pen.

    I don't understand why they haven't done it already.
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    Post by wilcraft Sat 08 Mar 2014, 1:57 pm

    well said, if it could just be louder.
    DieHard Investor
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    Post by Franky Sat 08 Mar 2014, 11:31 pm did one AWESOME job!! I loved it!! I have prolly a crazy question! I would say in the last 20 years more Millionaires and Billionaires have been made then in any time of history in the United did they do it in light of your thinking about all what you wrote! (the odds stacked against them so to say) and what can I learn from them? isn't it true that all through history even in depression times there were them that get Rich?? so my question is....if or when it gets bad again what can I do to be on the other side of the coin? is it how we deal with what is happening around us? or like I said...what or how can I condition myself to see opportunity when know one else does? if that make sense!  ;) for some reason I refuse to except I cant win!! even in a Cat Kicking World!!  ;)

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    Post by Neno Tue 11 Mar 2014, 8:48 pm

    Diversify... ;)

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