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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Building policy criticizes "anti-corruption" in Iraq: a waste of time

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277694
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Building policy criticizes "anti-corruption" in Iraq: a waste of time Empty Building policy criticizes "anti-corruption" in Iraq: a waste of time

    Post by Rocky Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:46 am

    Building policy criticizes "anti-corruption" in Iraq: a waste of time[/size]
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     one hour ago

    "The talk about fighting corruption needs real procedures to deter corrupters who have been rooted in state institutions for years and there was no real action to hold them accountable, but not slogans that do not go beyond the media and everyone hears them," MP Mansour al-Baiji said Sunday.

    "There is no real application on the ground to hold accountable the spoilers who are protected by their parties and political blocs, and the wealth of the country looted before the eyes and ears of all without any deterrent to them," al-Baiji said in a statement.

    "We have a number of institutions that are competent to fight corruption. They are intertwined with each other, and each institution aims at negligence on the other, such as the inspectors' offices and the integrity committee, and the most recent is the formation of the council," he said. The highest anti-corruption, but without any benefit and no one is held accountable by it. "

    "There are no real mechanisms to reduce the rampant corruption in the country other than the loud slogans we hear, but without any benefit, so we must take bold steps by the Prime Minister and the Supreme Judicial Council to activate the completed files, and is attached to the listing of the judiciary to hold those involved So that they can be a lesson to others and activate a law from where to you this is real to any official in the state, not talk and meetings on the fight against corruption are mere slogans of information useless but not time-consuming. "

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277694
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Building policy criticizes "anti-corruption" in Iraq: a waste of time Empty Deputy for Construction: There are no real mechanisms to reduce corruption non-rhetoric

    Post by Rocky Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:55 am

    Deputy for Construction: There are no real mechanisms to reduce corruption non-rhetoric
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    BAGHDAD / The MP of the Construction Coalition Mansour al-Baiji said on Sunday that the talk of combating corruption needs real measures to deter spoilers who have been rooted in the institutions of the state for years and there was no real action to hold them accountable but slogans that do not exceed, the media and everyone hears it.
    "There is no real application on the ground to hold accountable the spoilers who are protected by their parties and political blocs and the wealth of the country looted before the eyes and ears of all without any deterrent to them," al-Baiji said in a statement. "He said.
    He said that "there is real corruption is no less dangerous than the gangs of terrorist advocates, we need serious steps and real deterrent measures to stop it through their accountability, we have many institutions to combat corruption and they overlap each other and each institution aims to default on the other offices of inspectors and the General Integrity Commission and the latest formation of the Council The highest anti-corruption, but without any benefit and no one is held accountable by it. "
    He added that "there is no real mechanisms to reduce the corruption in the country, but the slogans that we hear but without any useful little to take bold steps by the Prime Minister and the Supreme Judicial Council to activate the completed files and are attached to the list of judges to hold those involved So that they can pass it on to others and activate a law from where you have this to a real person for any official in the state, and talk and meetings about fighting corruption are just useless propaganda slogans that are not time consuming. "

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