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    MilitiaMan, X22, Pimpy, Lynette Zang and more Sunday Evening 10-25-2020

    Admin Assist
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    MilitiaMan, X22, Pimpy, Lynette Zang and more Sunday Evening 10-25-2020 Empty MilitiaMan, X22, Pimpy, Lynette Zang and more Sunday Evening 10-25-2020

    Post by Rocky Mon 26 Oct 2020, 9:52 am

    [size=30]MilitiaMan, X22, Pimpy, Lynette Zang and more Sunday Evening 10-25-2020[/size]
    Samson:  Parliamentary Finance confirms the government's printing of new currencies without financial cover and describes the act as "dangerous"
    17:43 - 10/25/2020
    On Sunday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee described the federal government's printing of currency without providing financial cover as a dangerous and wrong act. "The government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi does not have a vision for economic and financial reform," said Abdul Hadi Al-Saadawi, a member of the committee, in a statement to "Al-Maaloumah", pointing out that "the government made a big mistake by printing a currency without providing a financial cover for it."
    He added that "printing the currency without providing financial cover is the most dangerous work done by the Central Bank of Iraq at the present time," noting that "this matter will lead to major economic problems."
    Last Monday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that an investigation had been opened to ensure that the government secured the salaries of September despite the Parliament's failure to approve the loan presented, indicating that its insurance is surrounded by doubts between withdrawing from the central reserve or printing other currencies.  LINK
    MilitiaMan:  Interestingly enough, they speak of the potential that Salaries are not apparently paid yet for September.. Imagine that. We just read the other day that 2019 FMLA and the 2020 Budgets were still not sorted ahead of the 2021 that is 10 days late.
    Then, we see they speak if printing currency with out "cover". Well "cover" to me may mean a new rate is needed now, as the CBI has not exposed it yet.
    They printed new notes, not larger triple zero notes. The video recently shows them destroying them.. Therefore, it looks as though this person is calling out the PM.. Nothing wrong with added pressure.. lol imo ~ MM

    Don961:  Iran's positive messages to US President Donald Trump before the elections
    - Two Days Passed
    Despite the rumor among analysts and politicians that Iran wished that US President Donald Trump would not win a second term, and that the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, would win, and despite the relevance of this suggestion, Iran did not hesitate to send several positive messages before the elections, to Trump at the level of a number of Regional files in the recent period, and what is meant here is not only to avoid escalation with Trump, but to send positive messages to help Trump in the election campaign, and to put forward the foundations on which to build for future cooperation.
    Since the establishment of the Iranian regime in 1979, hostility has been a hallmark of Iranian-American relations. And the frank, hostile speech exchanged between the politicians of the two countries was the tool used to express this state of hostility, which continues until now, however there are important positive messages that Tehran sends to Washington, which should be followed to find out the actual Iranian position, not the declared one.
    Historically, and despite the hostile relationship, there are periods that witnessed convergence between them on the grounds of common interests and pragmatism. Iran bought weapons from the United States during the Iran-Iraq war through Israel, known as the "Iran Contra" case, and Afghanistan and Iraq witnessed security coordination between Iran and the states. United States, despite President George W. Bush including Iran on the terrorism list.
    Finally, despite the tension and escalation between them since the arrival of President Trump and the re-imposition of sanctions and what is known of the stifling economic situation Iran is experiencing, in addition to the Security Council's battle to prevent the arms embargo from being lifted, it is possible to monitor a number of positive messages last, first of which, when Last June, Iran witnessed a series of explosions in several vital economic, military and nuclear sites, such as the explosion of the Parchin military complex and the "Natanz" reactor, which Iranian officials considered would delay the nuclear project for the next two years.
    Nevertheless, Tehran has avoided accusing Israel or The United States, with their responsibility for the explosions, imposes on Iran the necessity to launch a retaliatory response, which is what Iran has avoided to put itself in the face of this matter, which it will not be able to do or bear its consequences.
    The second message was during the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to Tehran, when the Iranian president announced that his country would not interfere in relations between Iraq and the United States, and Tehran did not criticize Al-Kazemi's policy towards its "Hezbollah" militia, which means that Tehran sent Al-Kazemi a message That it is possible for its security cooperation with him to control the behavior of the militias, and also extends the message to Washington with the possibility of cooperation in this context. And when the missiles of some Iraqi militias continued to fall on the compound housing the foreign embassies and the US embassy, which was followed by the US threat to close its embassy in Baghdad, the “Popular Mobilization Forces” were quick to condemn the missile strikes.
    As for the third message, it concerns the agreement between Lebanon and Israel to demarcate the maritime borders between them. The negotiations took place in the context of the economic crisis that Lebanon is going through, and a wave of US sanctions that included two former government ministers allied with "Hezbollah", which Tel Aviv considers a terrorist organization. Iran did not obstruct or set obstacles through "Hezbollah" in the way of the negotiations, which came as a result of intensive American diplomatic efforts and sponsorship to take place just before the US elections. Reaching a framework agreement to demarcate the borders is an American-Israeli achievement, because Lebanon had previously rejected an American offer in 2012 to demarcate the maritime borders between them.
    The last of these messages so far relates to the Yemeni file, as prisoners were exchanged between the legitimate Yemeni government and the Houthis, in the largest exchange of hundreds of prisoners, including American citizens, and this is an achievement in itself, as the Houthi movement has repeatedly obstructed the exchange of prisoners, in accordance with the Sweden agreement.
    By examining these messages together, it can be said that Iran has not only avoided escalation with the United States since the killing of Qassem Soleimani, but has worked to calm and prepare the atmosphere by not placing obstacles through its proxies in front of the aforementioned files that hinder their completion, which are all linked to US diplomatic efforts, including It gives an opportunity to open a dialogue with Trump in the event that he wins the elections on the one hand, and it also wants to demonstrate its ability to contribute to solving regional issues on the other hand in front of the Western and Arab parties.
    Heba Raouf
    Arabic Independent  LINK
    MilitiaMan:  This find is at least a positive when it comes to Iran. Sounds like they have had enough of the pressures of late as they explain. Whether they can be trusted or not is not my concern. I’ll leave that to higher pay grades. But, from the sounds of it they have been softened up and that is a good thing!! It is a very timely piece for sure.
    Security in the region will benefit many. Iran has got to see the writing on the wall and this clearly seems to speak to that.
    I suspect, that if they are open for change and since they are one of Iraq’s largest trading partner they’ll need a change of their own. The legalities for a change is in place already. They say they may drop four zeros. I now don’t doubt it!!   imo - MM 

    X22 Reports Sunday Night
    Trump prepares to unify the people economically. Episode 2311a
    There is one common goal with the economy. It is to unify the people under Trumps economy. This means showing the people he is in total control of the economy. The last piece to the puzzle is the GDP number, this will be out in 4 days.
    Trump Puts Masterplan Into Action, ACB Confirmation Next, 11.3 Is The Start – Episode 2311
    The MSM/[DS] are now in trouble, people are catching on, they are awake, they realize the establishment is censoring, creating riots they are the dictators. The patriots have been preparing for this, the masterplan was to show the people. The plan was to drain the swamp, the plan was to return the power to the people.
    Vietnam Dong News 10/25/20 - currency manipulation report
    Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Oct 25, 2020

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