Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Many Topics Including The Oldest Dinar Community. Copyright © 2006-2020

    Holly, MilitiaMan and More Monday Morning 8-2-2021

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277102
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Holly, MilitiaMan and More Monday Morning 8-2-2021 Empty Holly, MilitiaMan and More Monday Morning 8-2-2021

    Post by Rocky Tue 03 Aug 2021, 7:53 am

    [size=30]Holly, MilitiaMan and More Monday Morning 8-2-2021[/size]
    Holly Monday RV News:
    No matter what keep going the distance. We were chosen to be part of this! Stay the course and we will succeed. The greatest transfer of wealth did not come easily to us. It was not handed on a silver platter. We all earned our right at the table. Give thanks and gratitude you have a seat.
    Where are we: 
    There are a few people in the F&P’s who got notifications. It is dribbling out, but we need more to be notified. 
    D1-3 have been funded but not liquid.  
    Bonds are still processing and will for many months. 
    The Zimbabwe is part of this process. It is necessary for the RV.  
    The RV is a military operation. It is not controlled by China. 
    Nesara/Gesara will be announced at some point. When it does is when the debt forgiveness happens. 
    The EBS will go off and disclosure videos will happen. 
    Be careful who you follow as a lot of misinformation is coming out. 
    There will be an 800# or an email.
    You get a QFS account, then set up a treasury direct account then a digital wallet. This will have a card to it. If asked at appointment present your project. 
    Your second appoint is for meeting with the banks wealth managers, however I recommend getting your own. Not using the banks. A second appointment would be if you want to negotiate for a higher rate as well.  
    Set up your trust and your own wealth manager. 
    Put your team together of project managers, lawyers, etc  
    Keep your mouth shut and do not talk about this. 
    This is a transition not a transaction   Never, ever give up.  

    MilitiaMan:   I would like to be a Fly on the wall at this meeting tomorrow. THE UNDP is all about management of and for attaining goals. They have the ears of many international players. All interested in mutaul success. Private sector is not about a program rate. No way. Even Iraq has stated they were to issue and recalculate effectively BONDS back the 1st of January 2021.. They said is was done to open or activate the private sector (market economy). imo ~ MM
    Samson:  Planning reveals the details of the "responsive" document and the reform and recovery plan tomorrow
    08/01/2021 17:25:46
     The Ministry of Planning announced that it will reveal tomorrow, Monday, the details of the "responsive" document and the reform and recovery plan for the period 2021-2023.
     And the ministry’s spokesman, Abdul-Zahra Al-Hindawi, said in a statement that {Euphrates News} received a copy of it that “Minister Khaled Battal Al-Najm will announce tomorrow, Monday, 2/8-2021, the details of the responsive document, and the reform and recovery plan, for the period 2021-2023, which it has completed. The ministry, in cooperation with relevant ministries and authorities, and with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

    He added, "The announcement will be made during the conference held by the Ministry of Planning at nine thirty in the morning tomorrow, at the Babel Hotel, in the presence of a number of ministers, representatives, governors, deputy ministers, representatives of the private sector and civil society, as well as representatives of international organizations operating in Iraq."  LINK
    Courtesy of Dinar Guru
    Frank26   Iraq is grown up.  It is secured and stable to bring forth its reforms, especially in its currency in order for it to have an economic reform.  It can be done tomorrow and it can be done by the end of the year.  All I know is that Iraq needs to be sovereign...[Years ago]  Dr. Shabibi told our Blue Star - Iraq needs to be sovereign.  And this 'pull out' [of troops] that Biden was talking about is part of the security and stability IMO...
    Pimpy  Article:   "As compensation for the invasion of Iraq, the United Nations pays $600 million to Kuwait".  This I like a whole lot.  Let's get to the most important thing.  Quote:   "the last installment is expected to be paid within a year."  Yep!  Then you have no more payments going out.  That's it...everything is taken care of once that's done.  Plus our troops are withdrawn.  Complete sovereignty ...then I'm looking for a rate change to happen...get the Americans out of there.  Make your last payment to Kuwait.  Get your sovereignty back. Let's change the rate...

    Banks Meltdown Looming -- The Storm is In the Mail
    Premiered 2 hours ago
    The bankers are now bank robbers. All the money at the top, little to the bottom. America is run by economic vandals and financial fraudsters.
    American law is in the hands of Bank robbers; they are not accountable to anyone. The Banks do not even print money. It is all digital money backed by nothing and printed on nothing. It is all one big scam.
    They are addicts, and addicts will do anything to keep their high going. They are gamblers. They want to keep their casino running. The Bankers will keep injecting more monetary methadone to keep them alive and moving. But they are really dead .
    They come up with different scams to keep this thing going. The FED must lie about real inflation. If they admit that real inflation is over 10 percent, then it takes ten years to inflate away half of your wealth.
    People who think they are going to retire are going to have a severe wake-up call. The real inflation of all the money created after 2008 is just now coming home to roost, and that isn't even counting all the offshore dollars from the petrodollar.
    As other countries use other currencies, those dollars will go home as well. Inflation in the next 20 years will be skyrocketing. Learn to grow a garden. A big garden. And buy some silver and gold. Anything that will maintain its value. The storm is in the mail.

    weslin3 and chouchou like this post

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