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    500 international and Arab observers will arrive in Iraq soon to monitor the elections

    Admin Assist
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    500 international and Arab observers will arrive in Iraq soon to monitor the elections Empty 500 international and Arab observers will arrive in Iraq soon to monitor the elections

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Sep 2021, 8:14 am

    500 international and Arab observers will arrive in Iraq soon to monitor the elections
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    Adviser to the Prime Minister for Elections Affairs, Abdul-Hussein Al-Hindawi, revealed, on Monday, that more than 500 international and Arab observers will arrive in the country soon, to monitor the elections during the polling day on the tenth of October, while the Electoral Commission revealed the preparation of an electoral behavior document, confirming its intention to contract with ( 900) employee working as a data entry .
    Al-Hindawi said, "It was prepared to receive about 500 international and Arab observers, 130 from the United Nations, and such a number from the European Union, as well as observers from the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and observers from other countries, including Russia, which expressed a desire to send observers." during the upcoming elections .
    He added that "the tasks of the United Nations and international observers will be limited only to observing the electoral process on polling day, and exclusively evaluating the voting process," expressing his hope for an "electoral process that is better than the rest of the previous elections in terms of avoiding violations and fraud and providing security and high technology requirements ."
    Regarding the withdrawing blocs, Al-Hindawi explained that "the Commission has not received any official request from any party or candidate, and that (media) withdrawal requests submitted after the expiry of the period during which withdrawal is permitted are ineffective," again calling on voters to review the registration centers to receive their cards, and that "There are more than two million and 500 thousand ready-made cards waiting to be received by the voters ."
    In the meantime, the Electoral Commission said that it, in cooperation with the United Nations Electoral Assistance Team, prepared the electoral conduct document, which is a code of honor not to take any action that would prejudice the integrity of the electoral process .
    She added in a statement that "and as part of its preparations for the polling day, it intends to contract with (900) employees working as a data entry, whose mission is to enter the form data related to the sorting and manual counting of the station that will be opened in each polling center using the lottery method, for the purpose of ensuring that the results match between the sorting and electronic counting ."
    In the same context, the assistant spokesperson for the commission, Nibras Abu Souda, said: "The number of electoral cards that were distributed among the voters amounted to about 70% of the number of eligible voters, in all governorates of Iraq."

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