[size=30]Tivon, MilitiaMan and KTFA Members Thursday Afternoon 8-11-2022[/size]
KTFA:Samson: The Central Bank: The cash reserve rose to 82 billion dollars
11th August, 2022
On Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq revealed that cash reserves had risen to $82 billion, as well as an increase in its gold balance to record levels
The official spokesman for the Central Bank, Omar Asim, said in a statement reported by the official "Al-Sabah" newspaper, that the bank's reserves currently amount to 82 billion dollars
Assem added, "Iraq also advanced 10 ranks in the table of countries with the most gold, becoming the thirtieth in the world and fourth in the Arab world, as its total possessions exceeded 130 tons, after purchasing an additional 34 tons, and this came within the bank's policy to achieve stability and ability to confront Local and international economic variables
Gold is one of the most important assets held by central banks and international financial institutions, due to its acceptance at the level of international dealings LINK
Jerry1971: Bravo Iraq is a very rich country indeed thanks to the brilliant leadership and sincerity of Pm Kazemi to his country and people tremendous prospects for the iqd to be released in short order. IMO.
Samson: About 300 Iraqi officials and ministers accused of corruption and integrity cases recover two trillion dinars
11th August, 2022
The Federal Integrity Commission announced, on Thursday, that 39 ministers and those of his rank and (241) of those with special grades, general managers and those of their rank, are among the accused in criminal cases.
She explained, during a press conference, that during the first half of this year, she considered (34,209) communications, reports and criminal cases, distributed among (8,877) communications, (10,535) reports, and (14,797) criminal cases.
It noted the recovery and prevention of wasting (1,773,380,063,273) dinars of public funds to the account of the public treasury through its deterrent and preventive measures.
The authority indicated that these amounts represent what has been actually recovered to the account of the public treasury, or those that have been revealed, or the funds that have been issued court rulings to return them, which prevented and stopped their waste.
Integrity also said that its investigations led to the issuance of (731) arrest warrants by the judicial authorities, of which (396) were executed, including (8) ministers and those of his rank, and (53) of those with special degrees, general managers and those of their rank.
Integrity revealed that, during the first six months of this year, it worked on (58) files related to fugitives wanted in corruption cases, of which (23) files were processed, including (11) files against people with special degrees, general managers and those of their rank, in addition to (104 ) Files to recover the smuggled money, in which (166) judicial decisions were issued.
She indicated that she had prepared, during the same period (9) drafts of cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding with Iraqi, Arab and international ministries and governmental institutions, one of which was concluded. LINK
Sir: IMO-Excellent news people!
All though they have many more files that will be addressed, we can see clearly they are in warp speed to get the corrupt out of the way. There have been many articles about the corruption in all areas and we can clearly see that this is a major part of the plan in order to publicly see the rate change.
I know some of you might think that this has nothing to do with the rate changing, but I beg to differ on that! Think about just how much corruption is out there, do you really think that Kazemi and his team want these rats to prosper anymore than they have been for decades, ( Absolutely not )!
That’s why the delay in changing the rate, while the other projects are put into place they are also showing the people just who’s who. Now we can see that the people are now in the streets and demanding that the corrupt be removed.
There was an article posted yesterday speaking of a 3 year budget, well what if this has been in place all along sense December 2020 when the White Papers came out. What if the budget was for 2021-2023 and a second set of books was in play! This would keep the rats hands away from a lot of new revenue due to the RI and would also explain why so many projects have been completed and still more in the works.
Kazemi is a smart man and he has a lot of help around the world from highly intelligent people who are getting things put into place to take down a corrupt system that has been ruling us for far too long. When the time is right you will get what you are seeking, but it’s going to be World wide and not just Iraq.
We are in a good place and we are closer than you can imagine, but there’s more to be done. Soon we will wake up to a new world free of corruption and evil doers.
Prayers for those who are making this happen and double prayers for those who gave it all.
Keep your vibrations high, it helps! “All in my opinion of course”
Tivon: Someone has been paying attention. Great job. Brilliant. This is why I asked a month or so ago for people to post more often and establish themselves so we can value more of what is put out with more detail than just half hearted complaints that help no one. And you took up that request and flew with it. Thank you Sir. This is well thought out.
These are the post I like to read because it builds on what has been firmly established over the past few months with another viewpoint I concur with that plays into the overall coverage as to why certain things were in place to ensure that the citizens do not get usurped by corrupt political figures who are looking to take advantage of the new monetary system that benefits the country and not the one who pretended to protect the citizens while at the same time stealing from them and their future.
Look at how much has been recovered already. You did a marvelous run down on the reasoning of things that I have been trying to get across for months. And you summarized it beautifully. Wow. Imo
MilitiaMan: Well done Sir.. Agreed.. Sadr brought more than meets the eye(s) to meetings. He wants no one with corruption on their hands to benefit from the re - instatement or re - valuation. Nor does Kahdimi. The digital transformation is going to see to that the money is being tracked and will be into the future with a high level of accuracy. The reason there were many that refused to use electronic means is exactly that, the corrupt would not want to use it. IT would expose them, well not using it exposed them as well.. imo... SMH ... lol ~ MM
BlaqueBeauty: Imo ….very nice In turn, the "Minister of the Leader" who is close to the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr said in a post on social media, "The reform-lovers should prepare (to support reform) by gathering each in his governorate, and at five o'clock tomorrow, Friday, you will be rewarded with the best reward and stay until further notice." From this page, not fake pages. He attributed the reasons for the demonstrations, including what he called the anger of the corrupt, "as well as filling out legal forms to be submitted to the judiciary in order to dissolve Parliament."
Tivon: Look at how this is unfolding. What a time to be alive. People are just not getting how close we are.
Samson: Al-Kazemi complains that the caretaker government will remain for 9 months and calls for solving the budget issue
11th August, 2022
Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi complained, on Wednesday, that the caretaker government that he heads has remained for 9 months without being able to form a new one during this period of time that followed the early legislative elections in the country, warning at the same time that Iraq will remain without a financial budget for the year 2022, which is nearing completion.
This came in a speech to him during the opening of the cabinet session that was held today, according to a statement issued by Al-Kazemi's office.
Al-Kazemi said in the speech, "Iraq is facing a real political problem in the post-election stage, and it needs a solution, and the solution requires dialogue, wisdom, and sacrifice, as Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) sacrificed for justice, values, and religion, as well as what is required of Political leaders make sacrifices for the sake of the homeland, and for the sake of our children."
He added, "The challenges we are facing are reflected in the performance of the government and all Iraqi state institutions. This government spent 28 months, and it is unfortunate that during this period there was only a budget for 6 months, so how can the state function in the absence of a budget?"
Al-Kazemi also said, "We are going through a difficult period, and with all this we have worked to overcome many problems. There were lagging or failed projects that had been planned for many years, and we worked to revive them and turn them into opportunities for success, in rebuilding lagging hospitals and other projects related to electricity oil, gas, and alternative energy, but without a budget, people's lives will be disrupted."
He added, "We are now in the eighth month of 2022, and there is no budget, and the imbalance is not in the government, but because of the existing political situation, so how do we build schools, pave roads and build projects with the absence of political consensus on forming the government or finding a solution to the political blockage."
The Prime Minister warned that “the issue of the budget is a very serious matter,” adding that “we have a good financial abundance and we need to invest it in rebuilding infrastructure and achieving the demands of our honorable people. Good schools, reasonable roads, and effective government institutions. He pointed out that "the political dispute has begun to reflect on the service reality in the state, and therefore we must look for a solution and I call on everyone to engage in dialogue in all seriousness."
Al-Kazemi stressed that "dialogue is the only solution to solve our problems and we have no other, as for resorting to methods of media escalation, social media, spreading chaos and frustration among people, this will not help in building the modern democratic experience. We are a young democracy, and we need to act according to wisdom." and mind."
The head of the federal government addressed the Iraqis by saying, "They should know that every day a solution to the political impasse is delayed, the government is restricted, and it is in a difficult situation in which it is difficult to carry out its duties."
He explained that "the caretaker government according to the constitution, its work is supposed to be coupled with a short period and not to stay for nine months without a new government, and it is unreasonable for the government to remain tied, and the constitutional deadlines have been exceeded, and we are required to remain a caretaker government; this is not possible."
Al-Kazemi pointed out that "the political blocs must cooperate with the government to find a solution to the issue of the budget, and we are ready to help and play our role as an executive authority in accordance with the law." He stressed that "there must be real political support for the government instead of political differences," noting that "there are parties that always turn the conflict towards the government, and the government has nothing to do with it, as we are not a party to the political conflict."
Al-Kazemi said, "We went through an ordeal during the past two or three weeks, and, thank God, the crisis was dealt calmly, and we succeeded in not having Iraqi blood flowing on Iraqi soil, and we will continue with this approach." He also warned that, "Those who think that this government is working to strain the atmosphere are mistaken.
We have said since the first day: We are ready to hand over power to any elected government, and at the moment the political blocs agree, we are ready. What is the talk about the government or the Prime Minister working? For obstructing the formation of the government or the solution is nothing but nonsense; who is the one who accepts to stay in these difficult circumstances?”
Al-Kazemi continued by saying that "the story is not a position story, but a success story, either we are successful and accept the challenge, or the political blocs must accept their role to find a solution to the blockage, in order to move towards a bright Iraq with an opportunity for hope, and we must be optimistic, and not a solution is through dialogue.
The Prime Minister concluded his speech by saying that "we presented an initiative and it was approved by most of the political blocs, and we are still working to create an opportunity for dialogue. We must preserve our democratic system, and we must correct if there are wrong paths or there are paragraphs in the constitution, correction or change." There must be consensus on it from all the Iraqi people."
Tivon: I see what Al-Kazemi is doing. If we are going with what he is saying along with Mazhar Muhammad Saleh if they form a general government and budget it will be off the heels of dissolution thus the corruption would have been dealt with in Parliament and HOR. Because everyone knows it will not be the CF(Coordination Framework) .
So we should feel very comfortable. Why? They (Federal Integrity Commission) already identified 300 corrupt officials. And the funds they stole. (Post 20) Not t9 mention they also seized and recovered properties belonging to the Municipality which involved another billion Dinars in value. As I have stated before the EFSL was designed to clean out corruption.
Because I always said the funds left over from the EFSL can be thrown in with any budget they happen to come up with. Ask yourself why would Al-Kazemi push for a budget at the end of the year?
Jamal Cougar stated it takes about a couple of months to get through the process of creating a budget. But we know the citizens were already promised they would see the changes they want very soon before August is done with.
Al-Kazemi will use that time to bring forth reforms as a interim emergency government. And he will solidify his reputation, legacy, and authority. Al-Kazemi knows he only needs the oil surplus to achieve or meet the Citizens Entitlements which is tied to the HCL/Oil & Gas Law.
Everything else can be dealt with accordingly. Keep in mind they have gold, oil, and hard currency reserves to support the rate if they was to release one before they form a GOI or present a budget. Please remember that.
Also Keep in mind the post from yesterday (Post 114) as to what the new budget will come with if they happen to pass one. Because I think they already studied it and came to an agreement as to the components in it.
Especially the emergency surprise funds added as a bonus. So even if they form a government and pass a budget it wouldn't matter because Al-Kazemi only has to announce or present his transitional interim gov and can release the new rate afterwards.
So he isn't saying he needs the budget to finish what he is already doing. It will be needed once he no longer needs to use the EFSL.
Remember they were only going to put 51 trillion in the 2022 budget given how little time was left in 2022. And since the transitional gov is temporary I am positive funds from that will be transferred over to a general budget. The EFSL was always going to be temporary. So this article is of no surprise. Imo
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