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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Barzani: The entity of the Kurdistan Region is part of the products of the uprising

    Admin Assist
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    Barzani: The entity of the Kurdistan Region is part of the products of the uprising Empty Barzani: The entity of the Kurdistan Region is part of the products of the uprising

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Mar 2023, 5:34 am

    Barzani: The entity of the Kurdistan Region is part of the products of the uprising

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    2023-03-05 01:43

    Shafaq News/ The Kurdish leader, Massoud Barzani, considered, on Sunday, that the Kurdistan Region entity is part of the outcomes of the uprising that the Kurdish people took out in the early 1990s against Saddam Hussein's regime.
    The spark of the uprising erupted from the district of Rania near the province of Sulaymaniyah on the fifth of March 1991, and the uprising was able to control the military, security and governmental headquarters that were under the control of the former regime, so that spark could expand and include all regions and cities of Kurdistan and result in ending the presence of the Baath authority.

    Masoud Barzani said in a statement on this occasion that the uprising succeeded in light of the liberating will of the people of Kurdistan, the courage of the Peshmerga, and the planning and unity of the parties within the Kurdish liberation movement.
    And he added by saying that the uprising proved to friend and foe that injustice and intimidation will never be able to weaken the liberation will within the souls of the people of Kurdistan, noting that the uprising carried lofty values ​​and goals, including that the people of Kurdistan live in freedom and dignity in their country.
    Barzani stressed that the entity of the Kurdistan Region is part of the products of the uprising of the people of Kurdistan, and it is considered a historical and valuable achievement for the people of Kurdistan, stressing the need to preserve and strengthen this achievement, and an attempt should never be made to weaken it and distort the goals for which the people of Kurdistan rose up.
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