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    Washington imposes sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks for "suspicious transactions"

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Banks - Washington imposes sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks for "suspicious transactions" Empty Washington imposes sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks for "suspicious transactions"

    Post by Rocky Wed Jul 19, 2023 3:57 pm

    Washington imposes sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks for "suspicious transactions"
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    Baghdad Today - Follow-up
    Today, Wednesday (July 19, 2023), the United States of America imposed sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks in a crackdown on Iran's transactions.
    The Wall Street Journal, in a report, quoted US officials as saying, "The United States prevented 14 Iraqi banks from conducting transactions in dollars."
    "The ban, which was imposed by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, comes within the framework of a comprehensive campaign against the transfer of US currency to Iran," the newspaper's report said.
    The US decision comes a day after the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, signed, on Tuesday (July 18, 2023), a new exception that allows Iraq to pay electricity costs to Iran and allows for the first time to deposit these payments in accounts in non-Iraqi banks, according to a US official.
    The official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said the United States hoped the 120-day waiver would help ease Iranian pressure on Iraq to access funds that previously could only be held in restricted accounts in Iraq.
    According to the official, "Non-Iraqi banks will need to obtain US permission to disburse the funds, which will be directed only for humanitarian purposes."
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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Banks - Washington imposes sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks for "suspicious transactions" Empty America imposes sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks for dealings with Iran in dollars

    Post by Rocky Wed Jul 19, 2023 4:11 pm

    [size=45][size=41]America imposes sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks for dealings with Iran in dollars[/size]
     two hours ago

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    On Wednesday, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks in a crackdown on Iran's dealings in dollars.
    According to the American newspaper, “the sanctions affected banks (the Islamic Advisor for Investment and Finance, the Islamic Qartas for Investment and Finance, as well as the Islamic Spectrum, Elaf Bank, Erbil Bank for Investment and Finance, the International Islamic Bank, Trans-Iraq Bank, Mosul Bank for Development and Investment, Al-Rajih Bank, Sumer Commercial Bank, Trust International Islamic Bank, Ur Islamic Bank, and Bank of Iraq.” The Islamic World for Investment and Finance and Zain Iraq Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance.
    And the US Treasury Department prevented four other Iraqi banks from accessing the dollar last November, and also imposed, in cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq, stricter controls on financial transfers in the country in general.
    In the past weeks, the Central Bank of Iraq had excluded 4 private Iraqi banks from the currency sale auction (namely: Al-Ansari, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, Al-Qabid, and Asia) following directives and warnings from the US Treasury about these banks accused of smuggling currency.
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