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    An American general expects the imminent collapse of the Ukrainian army

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    An American general expects the imminent collapse of the Ukrainian army Empty An American general expects the imminent collapse of the Ukrainian army

    Post by Rocky Thu 07 Sep 2023, 9:13 am

    An American general expects the imminent collapse of the Ukrainian army 97ab4f39-3ae7-4296-b41b-09be739bf1c0
    [size=52]An American general expects the imminent collapse of the Ukrainian army[/size]
    • Today 15:10

    Information / Follow-up..
    The former US intelligence officer, Scott Ritter, stated that the Ukrainian armed forces are losing their combat cohesion in Kharkov province, which will lead to their imminent collapse.
    "I think collapse is really imminent," Scott Ritter, interviewed by journalist Garland Nixon, said on YouTube. "In the north and around Kobyansk, we're starting to see cracks in Ukrainian combat cohesion."
    Ritter also noted that the conflict had entered its final phase, and that the destruction of trained units prepared by the West and newly mobilized Ukrainian forces would lead to the collapse of the Kiev army, he said.
    He added, "Once we put an end to the current 'counter-offensive' in the worst sense of the word ... and all the elite units are killed, I think we will see the Russians start to apply pressure and move forward, and also the collapse of the Ukrainian army."
    And Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced, last Tuesday, that "the Ukrainian forces have lost more than 66,000 soldiers and 7,600 weapons since the start of the so-called" counterattack ". Shoigu also confirmed that " the Ukrainian army has not achieved its goals, during the three months,
    from "Counterattack".
    Shoigu continued: "The Ukrainian armed forces have not achieved their goals in any of the regions, the Ukrainian leadership is desperately trying to show Western secretaries at least some success in offensive operations in order to obtain more military and economic assistance, which only leads to prolongation of the conflict." . Ended/25 h

      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 11:59 pm