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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity dismantles a network that practices appointment and transfer work in state institutions in

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Integrity dismantles a network that practices appointment and transfer work in state institutions in Empty Integrity dismantles a network that practices appointment and transfer work in state institutions in

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Oct 2023, 6:52 am

    Integrity dismantles a network that practices appointment and transfer work in state institutions in exchange for financial sums
    • Time: 10/08/2023 14:28:31
    • Read: 312 times

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    {Local: Al-Furat News} The Federal Integrity Commission was able, today, Sunday, to dismantle a network that practices the work of “appointing, transferring, and selling positions” for employees in state institutions. In exchange for sums of money.
    The Commission's Investigations Department stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, "It has formed a working team to investigate and investigate information contained in a complaint by a member of the Ministry of Defense, which includes a person requesting a sum of money to complete an educational transaction."
    She added, “After confirming the veracity of the information and obtaining the judicial decision, the team quickly set up an ambush for the complainant in cooperation with the complainant, and were able to catch him red-handed while receiving the agreed-upon amount of money in exchange for completing the complainant’s transaction regarding completing his studies at the expense of the Ministry of Defense.”
    The department continued, “The operation also resulted in the seizure of the accused’s two phones, and after transcribing his correspondence with citizens from the WhatsApp application, it was found that he was carrying out “appointment and transfer” work in state institutions, while the accused’s son, who received one of the payments from the complainant, was seized, confirming the seizure of three Identities, two of which were in the name of a person, but on which was affixed a picture of the main accused, stating that he was the Assistant Director-General of a news agency and the Deputy Secretary-General of one of the obscure political blocs.”
    She noted "the organization of an arrest report on the operation that was carried out, based on the provisions of Resolution (160 of 1983), to present it, along with the accused, and all the seized exhibits, to the competent investigating judge, to decide their fate."
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