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    Deputies: completeness «fifth government» supports the success of the security file

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Deputies: completeness «fifth government» supports the success of the security file  Empty Deputies: completeness «fifth government» supports the success of the security file

    Post by day dreamer Sun 19 Oct 2014, 7:05 pm

    Deputies: completeness «fifth government» supports the success of the security file 


      10/20/2014 0:00

    BAGHDAD - Shaima Rashid
      Welcomed the parliamentarians in exclusive statements to "morning" the completion of the Quorum of the cabinet reshuffle of the government of Dr. Haidar al-Abbadi, after voting members of Parliament and Ministers of Defense (Khaled al-Obeidi) and interior (Mohammed Ghaban) and "relative majority", in the hearing yesterday, interspersed by the reluctance of some MPs Rating.
    As cross-MP for the coalition of "state law" Hisham al-Suhail, welcomed the completion of the composition of the government of five, said in this regard: "Most importantly, there is harmony and cooperation between the three presidencies (the Republic, Ministers, Parliament) and this has not happened in the past" .
    Suhail said after performing the new ministers sworn in "after the completion of the line-up, began the Legislative Council to support the work of its committees and focus on the activities of non-performing those committees that originally formed before the formation of the government." In light of this positive atmosphere that prevails relationship between the presidencies of the parliament and the government specifically, Suhail expected success of the new ministers in their work despite the difficulty of the task and the sensitivity of the phase experienced by the country. Here, he says: "The security minister to have a complete idea about their work, and I expect them to carry it to the success of efficiency especially if they were given help and support by the government and the parliament."
    Welcoming also came on to San MP block "Warka democracy" Saljoh Joseph, who believes that "the next step will focus on the performance of ministers and evaluate their work, especially the ministers of interior and defense."
    Saljoh revealed "some MPs abstain from voting on the unsuspecting minister specifically, but eventually the two get enough votes to ensure their parliamentary approval on them."
    According to information Saljoh MP, the defense minister Khaled al-Obeidi candidate "coalition forces" you get 175 votes, while Interior Minister Mohammed Ghaban won 196 votes.
    For his part, called on the head of the "call - the organization of the interior" parliamentary Ali-Badri, the government after the completion of its composition to "direct action and save the country from the problems of security and service that suffer," stressing that Parliament will monitor the performance of the government in order to diagnose the negatives and work on them .alibdara , stressed the need for "an end to the security problems and service facing the country years ago," adding that the prime minister began to address the security situation, especially in the capital Baghdad over the measures presented in the parliament in yesterday's session first. It is the viewpoint of the Attorney-Badri, the "the security situation needs to be concerted efforts until every success there is in this file, "Hada all Iraqi politicians and others on cooperation for the advancement of Iraq and protect it from threats to him. As confirmed at the conclusion of his statement that "Parliament will be watching the performance of his ministers to be a pause in the diagnosis and treatment of the negatives, and at the same time will help them and would overcome the obstacles that Stsadfhm."
    Another welcoming the completion of Cab-governmental organizations, was head of the "Mandaeans" MP Harith Chanchal Harthy, who pointed out that "Parliament supports this squad, and welcomes them and will help the bond her in her" .oshatr Harthy what was on the lips of his fellow-Badri, of an explicit call and directed the government to perform its duties in the best way "to lift the injustice and suffering of this people, who have suffered for long periods."

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