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    Babylon declares activating the agreements signed with Iran in the implementation of strategic proje

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Babylon declares activating the agreements signed with Iran in the implementation of strategic proje Empty Babylon declares activating the agreements signed with Iran in the implementation of strategic proje

    Post by Rocky Mon 20 Oct 2014, 3:59 am

    Babylon declares activating the agreements signed with Iran in the implementation of strategic projects


    Alsumaria News / Babylon
    The Governor of Babylon honest meaning, Sunday, for the activation of the previous agreements with some provinces of Iran in the reconstruction of the province and its participation in the implementation of strategic projects and services. The connotation in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The Iranian delegation headed by Consul General in Iraq visited Babil province to activate previous agreements between the province and some provinces of Iran, notably the implementation of strategic projects and services.  The meaning of the "activation process has been discussed with the Iranian consul general and in detail according to the memorandums of understanding ancient", adding that "activating the agreements would be a programmer on a schedule plans that we have set of training programs for engineering cadres to provide advice engineering and urban planning in accordance with the basic design of the city. The meaning of the "conservative need the services of all the companies and the various terms of reference for the reconstruction, including Iranian companies and private discreet, which enjoys an international reputation great," pointing out that "the Iranian consul general expressed the desire of many Iranian companies discreet work within the province for reconstruction and implementation of projects that are in the the interest of people of the province and provide better services.  The governor of Babylon honest meaning Royal announced (June 1, 2014), has signed an agreement with the Iranian government to enter the discreet companies wishing to work in the province. 

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