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    Al-Akeely: Increase in revenues after implementing automation in 9 customs centers

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Akeely: Increase in revenues after implementing automation in 9 customs centers Empty Al-Akeely: Increase in revenues after implementing automation in 9 customs centers

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Sep 2024, 5:03 am

    Al-Akeely: Increase in revenues after implementing automation in 9 customs centers

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Chairman of the General Authority of Customs, Hassan Hamoud Al-Akeili, confirmed on Monday that he had submitted a briefing to the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives on the measures taken by the Authority for the current and last year. While he indicated that he had witnessed parliamentary support for amending the Customs Law, he expected the completion of the automation of all ports next year 2025, pointing at the same time to the increase in revenues after the implementation of automation in 9 customs centers.

    The Chairman of the Authority, Hassan Hamoud Al-Akeili, said in a statement reported by the official news agency, and reviewed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "an important meeting was held today with the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, as the members of the committee and its chairman listened to everything that was presented by the General Authority of Customs, during this year and last year, from reform steps and a review of the Authority's procedures and electronic systems that were implemented during this period. The members also reviewed the level of growth in the Authority's revenues from 2022 to the increase achieved in 2023, and they also reviewed the increases in revenues achieved during the first half of this year."

    Al-Akeili added, "The representatives made their observations on some performance items and made evaluative observations on some important points that contribute to enhancing work and revenues. They also expressed support and backing for the General Authority of Customs in moving forward on the subject of automation and on the subject of updating procedures and expanding the geographical area of ​​automated customs centers. The representatives also expressed their support for moving forward in completing the procedures for legislating to amend the Customs Law, considering it an important law that has been legislated for more than 40 years. The law is currently in the State Council and is in the process of being presented to the House of Representatives to take its final form."

    He pointed out that "we discussed during the meeting that the increasing increase in customs revenues during this year is due to the implementation of the automation system in nine out of 21 customs ports, expressing his hope that the automation of all ports will be completed by 2025.

    Added 09/03/2024 - 8:47 PM
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