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    Massadrtkhv term presidencies backstage meeting: blocks satisfied the need to reform and waiting inv

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    Massadrtkhv term presidencies backstage meeting: blocks satisfied the need to reform and waiting inv Empty Massadrtkhv term presidencies backstage meeting: blocks satisfied the need to reform and waiting inv

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Mar 2016, 3:20 am

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    Massadrtkhv term presidencies backstage meeting: blocks satisfied the need to reform and waiting involved government amendment

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Revealed a senior political source meeting of the three presidencies with the leaders and representatives of the parliamentary political blocs on Wednesday the details, the second of this March, about the cabinet reshuffle. 
    Saw the meeting to invite the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi of the political blocs to a statement of position to make a change of government. And rejected the parties to participate in the meeting to make any change without consulting with the political blocs. 
    The source said, in an interview to the (long - Presse) on condition of anonymity, said the meeting began withconfirmation of House Speaker Salim al - Jubouri , the need for the committee responsible for the cabinet reshuffle includes representatives all the political blocs, to ensure everyone 's participation in the selection ofnew ministers. 
    but the head of Muttahidoon Osama Najafi called for disclosure of the relevant ministries to change before then. Turn after Prime Minister commenting on the invitation to the meeting to express their positions on the possibility of a cabinet reshuffle or partial destruction. He was former Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways support a thorough reshuffle. 
    And then entered a coalition of Arab head of Saleh al - Mutlaq said : "We are in a failed state , as he tries toboth the Kurds and the Sunnis secession, while the Shiites are lost," describing the government approach to "exclusionary" . 
    He said al - Mutlaq, according to the source, "I did not feel dignity days in the cabinet, did not Chaorne days, Lord , the prime minister , " adding that " the reshuffle will not achieve its objective calms down the street." 
    the source pointed out that al - Mutlaq addressed Abadi said , "We did not feel no harmony Minister with you to change them. if you come with ministers of the prophets will not be able to do something, "calling for" theformation of a committee of the blocks to study the file and prepare an integrated program. " 
    Member of the presidency of the Council of Representatives Aram Sheikh Mohammed after this by calling onthe Prime Minister" not to hold them accountable for amendment destruction ", stressing" no vote on it. " He suggested Sheikh Mohammed, that "the choice of the new ministers of the same blocks through thenomination of more than one name." 
    MP Ali Keywords, leader of the coalition of state law, objected to turn on the formation of a committee of thepolitical blocs to choose new ministers, calling for " the formation of a committee of by the Prime Minister to set up an integrated program and presented during the next meeting. " 
    He said the senior political source said a member of the presidency of the Council of Representatives , Sheikh Hamoudi request" Select a month to prepare a program, to be a reshuffle in part, according to the reform program , "calling for" the formation of a committee of the political blocs to nominate a minister. " 
    according to the source, Mahmoud al - Mashhadani, MP for the national Alliance, the intervention by saying , " we have an economic crisis, Prime Minister need to homogeneous team. " He said in a speech addressed to the Prime Minister , "You are not allowed exclusivity in the selection of the team, but must be presented us up and agreed upon in the three presidencies." 
    But the secretary of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party Hamid Majid Moussa, according to the source, have a different opinion through emphasis on the need for "an adjustment in the cabinet, that willnot be built on the basis of comprehensive change or partial or technocrats, but on the basis of choosing ministers competent on according to the program, through a committee of presidencies within 30 days." 
    Najafi , in turn , declined to specify the position of the change Ministerial before the disclosure of theministerial program targeted ministries and mechanism replacement, will be built on the basis of partnership or majority. 
    and the intervention of Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi again commenting on Najafi 's position, saying that "the cabinet Committee had completed its assessment and determine the change mechanism will be after themeeting with the blocks and presidencies . " 
    Shaways prompt intervention by asking to Abadi about the fate of the principle of partnership still exists andwhether or not ?, stressing that" the political blocs are nominate minister in the event under the principle ofpartnership in place. " He pointed out the senior political source said Diaa al - Asadi, the Secretary General of the Liberal bloc in Parliament, said : "We want to form the Ministry of independents, to get rid of the pressure of the masses." But Najafi faced objecting , saying , "How we will form a government of technocrats, and thePrime Minister my party?". 
    Leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Saadi beer thanked Abadi "to his confession could not be proceed inthis situation," he "agreed with al - Abadi about the need to change." 
    He added beer, according to the source "We are talking about the ministerial limbering, and you should not talk about the technocrats and even consult with the blocs." 
     turn the President of the coalition of State of law bloc parliamentary Ali al - Adeeb intervention noting that "reforms and letters of reference had to make cabinet changes, but the amendment must not be in accordance with the methods Previous. " 
    the writer, according to the source, the need to" be evaluated minister by professionals and impartial ,"attributing the lack Abadi 's ability to conduct a partial amendment to the " positions of the blocks of theministers, prompting him to go the direction of the overall change. " 
    to that expressed the head of the Kurdish Hoshyar change Abdullah, his support "to hold a ministerial amendments, provided that it is within a comprehensive reform program." But the head of Iraq Yonadam theblock we were called in turn to "balance", stressing that " the whole power of one color." The 
    Prime Minister responded by saying "I did not speak about the efficiency of the Minister, but I call for the formation of a harmonious team to cope with the financial crisis , " blaming " Previous policies responsible for the economic setback faced by the country. " 
    He added Abadi, according to the senior political source," the change of government is not out of the question and there is no resignation of the government, our universe do not want to evade responsibility, we have aresponsibility during the previous governments and the current and through our presence in the parliament , " He is stressing that it "did not call for a comprehensive amendment, but a radical." 
    and the prime minister that "parliament was directed toward a comprehensive amendment , " warning " theabolition of parliament and provincial councils, they will lead to the collapse of the political gains achieved." He continued Abadi "I call on the cabinet reshuffle, and flexibly with the representation of the components but isnot a requirement that the minister represents exclusively specific bloc , " asserting his refusal "to form arescue government , " expressing concern "Saudi military maneuvers, as well as the Turkish presence in Mosul." 
    Abadi said , saying " You do not have to conduct a comprehensive change, but change must be fundamental and in stages , "pointing out that" faced with the problem is the fact that the political blocs prevented him from making a change. " 
    President Fuad Masum Speaking certainly began on the need to " make a cabinet reshuffle, through understanding with blocs, and in accordance with the standards, and through a committee formed for this purpose. " He said Masum said , " has to be amendments ministerial that are in favor of a comprehensive reform program." 
    President of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al - Hakim, after saying " the amendment should not be arbitrary , " stressing the need to "take into account the amendment comprehensive program, and is in addition to the assessment of the prime minister , agents and general managers and end the file by proxy, through professional committee competent. " 
    Najafi intervention , pointing to the need to be the reshuffle" in accordance with the reasons , "stressing that" the government has not implemented its program ". 
    Rose Shawis endorsed , saying" We have to change that to the real reasons based and not arbitrary. " 
    Secretary General of the Liberal bloc in Parliament after Zia al - Asadi , stressing" the need for comprehensive change. " 
    Mahmoud al - Mashhadani said interrupting" the solution lies in a civil state, "describing the current political stage , " a failure par excellence. " He asked al - Mashhadani, "Do ministries alone is failed, not the three presidencies failed , too?" 
    According to the high source, the head of the Turkmen Front Arshad Salhi stressed the need to "not neglect reshuffle balances, though professionally." 
    Turn interference by the political bureau of the Islamic Association Kurdistan Khalil Ibrahim, calling on " therecognition of mistakes , " stressing the need for "adjustment is based on the Constitution." Furthermore, theKurdistan Islamic Group leader Ali Baber noted that "there is an imbalance, Kurds did not get their entitlement to be in the government , " calling "Shiite brothers to feel the other components, they are partners , " adding that " the problem is deeper than reshuffle ". He was among those present head of the coalition forces in parliament , Ahmed electrodes that intervention by saying that the "non - implementation of the agreements brought the situation here," stressing that "we can not support any cabinet reshuffle in the event of non -implementation of previous agreements." 
    Furthermore, said a member of the Presidency parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed , "we are faced with animbalance, corruption and economic crisis , " stressing " the lack of clarity of the idea of the reshuffle." He said Mohammed, according to a political source, saying , "There are those who say that the amendment is anattempt to uniqueness of power or form a majority government," following up "quite a bit of forming amajority government , but the observance of the Constitution, which must be the amendment through parliament, and that means consulting with blocks, where the prime minister to be clear with us. " 
    the meeting ended without any agreement, while Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi will launch the results of his committee on the three presidencies and the heads of the blocks. 
    in addition , according to sources close to the prime minister Haider al - Abadi that" Abadi feet of meeting papers related reforms and specifications of Ministers and the occupants of the upper grades. " 
    the sources confirmed that" the majority of the blocks acquiesced to the proposal to be a ministerial cabin who are chosen by the prime minister and technocrats. " the 
     same sources noted that the blocs and parties seemed vulnerable to the reform project, and noted that themeeting reversing a contraction in the areas of disagreement among these blocs on the change ofgovernment and a draft reform. 
    the sources pointed out that the prime minister did not rule out Tozer partisan government to be limited to independents, but he wants ministers professionals.
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