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    Al-Awadi: Sabhan bypass the red lines

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Al-Awadi: Sabhan bypass the red lines Empty Al-Awadi: Sabhan bypass the red lines

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Mar 2016, 2:50 am

    [ltr]Al-Awadi: Sabhan bypass the red lines[/ltr]

     Since 03.27.2016 at 09:01 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]Crossed the MP for the coalition of state law Firdaus al-Awadi, was surprised by the silence of the Iraqi government, all interventions and abuses that offers them the Saudi ambassador Thamer Sabhan from time to time.[/ltr]
    [ltr]She said Al-Awadi said in a statement today, and received / balances News / copy of it, that "Sabhan bypass the red lines, this time by trying to use the issue of the city of Fallujah to foment sectarian strife in Iraq," noting that "Sabhan does not act as a diplomat who represented the state in Iraq , but as a man of intelligence and acting representative of a certain range. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]She added, "The sadness Sabhan on Fallujah is nothing but crocodile tears Almtbakih the victims, because all that is happening in Fallujah was in other Iraqi cities was due to the Saud regime of which is represented by Sabhan in Baghdad, and this is becoming more than just a charge as a result of physical evidence owned by Iraq, all of which have proven to support Saudi Arabia to regulate Daash and encouraged him to kill Iraqis in cities occupied. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]Promised al-Awadi, he said that "Sabhan deliberately fomenting sectarian strife in Iraq, as evidenced by his statement that it was not an answer for the inquisitive press, but it was the premise Bngradh on their profile in one of the social networking sites."[/ltr]
    [ltr]And renewed al-Awadi, "the Iraqi government demand the expulsion of Sabhan from Iraq and prevent the entry into him again and put it in a list of people unwelcome, noting that the ongoing Sabhan statements and interfering in Iraqi affairs came as a result of not feeling any deterrent by the Iraqi government and the Foreign Ministry in particular" .anthy 29 / d 24[/ltr]

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