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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Expectations of a recovery 200 "paragraph on" housing loans and real estate

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    Expectations of a recovery 200 "paragraph on" housing loans and real estate Empty Expectations of a recovery 200 "paragraph on" housing loans and real estate

    Post by Rocky Thu 02 Jun 2016, 3:11 pm

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    Side of the city Basmaja residential project that is the work done by the Korean company Imaging (Mahmoud Raouf)
    Expectations of a recovery 200 "paragraph on" housing loans and real estate

    Author: HH, ZJ 
    Editor: BK, HH 6/2/2016 14:14 Number ofViews: 660 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Expected financial advisor to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Thursday, the contribution of the housing fund and bank mortgage loans run 200 different paragraph work and revive the national economy, as in the House of Representatives Economic Committee confirmed that such loans "will serve the citizen and being able to cope with the housing crisis", she noted that Land Bank loan "broader and more flexible" and can be accessed from most of the other banks.
    Said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The housing fund loan differs from that given by the Land Bank," noting that "the real estate specialist bank a Finance Ministry while under the Ministry of Housing Fund".
    Saleh added that "housing fund loans were interest-free, but the receiving funding from the central bank estimated B850 billion dinars, forced him to impose interest rate of 2%, especially since the loans amounting to 50 million dinars, long lasting, up for repayment of five years, subject to extension," He is pointing out that such "loans involving the economic benefit of the country being run contribute paragraph 200 different work of pigment into mourning and others."
    And on the land, which the Cabinet decided to distribute to citizens, the financial advisor for Ebadi stressed that "the Ministry of Finance will develop their own instruction in cooperation with local governments," pointing out that "the distribution of these lands will be serviced to invest the empty spaces within cities, sort and sell zones."
    For her part, member of the Committee of Economy and Investment in the House of Representatives Najiba Najib, in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The housing fund and bank real estate loans, both of which are reserved for the construction, building and ease the housing crisis," noting that "the loan housing fund is interest-free, because the proportion of Monday percent imposed for administrative matters. "
    Najib explained that "loan Land Bank broader features greater flexibility granted by the Housing Fund, and can be accessed from most of the other banks Kalravedan also rational", usually that "loans serve the citizen and Imknanh from the face of the housing crisis."
    The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, honest (the ninth of March 2016), to lend the special housing fund mechanisms loans the central bank's five trillion Iraqi dinars, as stipulated distribution of loans standard adoption population ratio and the degree of poverty for each province mechanism, also stipulated that loan no more than 50 million paid to the beneficiary in two installments.
    It is noteworthy that the Council of Ministers announced, in (31st May 2016), the launch of the distribution of land to citizens in a manner and installment terms "soft", and briefed on the launch of the electronic program industrial, agricultural and residential loans mechanism.

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