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    A deputy comments on the possibility of Iraqi oil reaching Israel through some Arab countries

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    A deputy comments on the possibility of Iraqi oil reaching Israel through some Arab countries Empty A deputy comments on the possibility of Iraqi oil reaching Israel through some Arab countries

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Jun 2024, 7:03 am

    A deputy comments on the possibility of Iraqi oil reaching Israel through some Arab countries
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    Today, Friday (June 21, 2024), the representative of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Mukhtar Al-Musawi, commented on the possibility of Iraqi oil reaching Israel through some normalized Arab countries.
    Al-Musawi told "Baghdad Today" that "it cannot be accepted in any way that Iraqi oil reaches the Zionist entity in any way, and this matter is established and the rejection of it is political, governmental and popular."
    He added, "Any oil project between Iraq and any Arab country must be carefully studied to prevent the oil from reaching Israel, as well as taking guarantees from those countries that our oil will not reach the usurping entity."
    Al-Moussawi stated, “This is why there is concern and fear about the Basra-Oqaba pipeline project, but all government assurances confirm that Iraqi oil has not and will not reach Israel directly or indirectly.”
    It is noteworthy that, on Friday (June 7, 2024), economic expert Nabil Al-Marsoumi asked several questions regarding the Iraqi-Jordanian oil pipeline project.
    Al-Marsoumi said in a post on the Facebook platform, followed by “Baghdad Today”, that “there is a heated controversy over the Iraqi-Jordanian pipeline that revolves around two directions: the direction that opposes the implementation of the pipeline for many reasons, including that exporting by sea is the least expensive and may be an existing option through which it will be carried out.” Expanding its export capacity to more than 6 million barrels.
    He added, "The trend in favor of implementing the pipeline is due to political, geopolitical, or economic considerations related to the need for a new export outlet other than the ports of the Arabian Gulf and to obtain new market shares in the global oil market and to overcome the potential impact of security tensions in the Strait of Hormuz, through which 97% of oil passes." Iraq's oil exports, especially since Iraqi oil exports heading through the Strait of Hormuz declined significantly during the Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s.
    He stated, “Within this context, many questions are raised about this project, including: If the Iraqi-Jordanian pipeline project was a suspicious Israeli project or a pipeline for normalization with Israel, why did the previous Iraqi governments approve of it?” He added, “And why was the Iraqi pipeline not maintained and restarted?” Turkey before part of it was used to transport Kurdistan’s oil?
    He continued to the economist, "Why was the Kirkuk-Baniyas line not revived when the political and security conditions were stable before 2014 and when all Kirkuk fields were at the disposal of the North Oil Company?"
    He concluded by saying, "What are the measures taken by all previous and current Iraqi governments to revive the Iraqi-Saudi line? Does Saudi Arabia have the right to confiscate the line and use it to transport oil products? What is the fate of the Mujaz Oil Port, which was established with Iraqi money and which Saudi Arabia turned into an oil export port?" Why did Iraq not file a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia and demand compensation?
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      Current date/time is Thu 27 Jun 2024, 12:47 pm