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    Renewed dangers.. “Thirdness” and “badness” terrify parents and calls to legislate a law in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Renewed dangers.. “Thirdness” and “badness” terrify parents and calls to legislate a law in Iraq Empty Renewed dangers.. “Thirdness” and “badness” terrify parents and calls to legislate a law in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Jun 2024, 7:01 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Renewed dangers.. “Thirdness” and “badness” terrify parents and calls to legislate a law in Iraq[/size]

    [size=45][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Day after day, a new crisis appears caused by social networking sites and their negative effects on children and adolescents of both sexes and different age groups. After many studies and theses have concluded that parents supervising the use of their sons and daughters when using a mobile phone, or depriving them of... In order to protect them from “deviation,” a more complex problem emerged after the outbreak of the Corona epidemic related to study.[/size]
    [size=45]At the height of the spread of the Corona epidemic, specifically in the year 2020, the Iraqi Ministry of Education resorted to adopting distance learning, and the “Telegram” and WhatsApp applications were the means to continue studying, in an attempt to reduce Corona infections.[/size]
    [size=45]However, after the danger of Corona decreased and ended, the need for the mobile phone did not end, as in subsequent years the aforementioned applications continued to be used to publish school assignments and other study requirements, which made dispensing with the phone inapplicable, and thus the danger still exists for children and adolescents. From being affected by negative phenomena and “down” content.[/size]
    [size=45]To confront these risks facing the family structure and the social fabric, the Iraqi Council of Representatives clarifies its role in this regard and stresses the need for legal legislation to confront “degrading” content and not prevent mobile phone devices from children as much as regulate their use, while researchers call for “parents to be educated” before children in this regard.[/size]
    [size=45]Video clips or live broadcast sessions are spread on social media platforms and sites in which the dialogue has “sexual connotations” and is contrary to public morals, as the owners of this content aim to achieve financial returns, as the number of followers increases, the greater the chances of obtaining gains.[/size]
    [size=45]There is also the phenomenon of children being exploited by their parents on social networking sites that generate profits through live broadcasts and the number of views.[/size]
    [size=45]Macron’s report is “strongly worded”[/size]
    [size=45]According to previous statistics from UNICEF, more than 175,000 children use the Internet for the first time every passing day, that is, an average of a new child every half a second.[/size]
    [size=45]The children's organization warned that despite the many opportunities and benefits that social networking sites provide to children, at the same time they expose them to a number of risks and harms, including access to harmful content, sexual exploitation and abuse, cyberbullying, and misuse of their personal information.[/size]
    [size=45]A report, published on May 1, 2024, prepared by experts commissioned by French President Emmanuel Macron, also revealed the necessity of not allowing children to use smartphones until they reach 13 years of age. Rather, they should be prevented from accessing traditional social media such as “Tik Tok,” “Instagram,” and “Snapchat” until they reach 18 years of age.[/size]
    [size=45]The “strongly worded” report added that children need to be protected from “the technology industry’s for-profit strategy to capture children’s attention, and use all forms of cognitive bias to distance children from their interests, control them, re-engage them and monetize them.”[/size]
    [size=45]The report also said that children have become a “commodity” in the new technology market, according to what the British newspaper “The Guardian” reported.[/size]
    [size=45]The report stated that children under the age of three should not be exposed to screens, including television, and that no child should have a phone before the age of 11. It also indicated that any phone given to a child between the ages of 11 and 13 should be a phone that cannot be accessed. To the Internet.[/size]
    [size=45]The report noted that a 15-year-old should only be able to access what it described as “ethical” social media, such as Mastodon.[/size]
    [size=45]While he pointed out that traditional social media that are widely marketed and aim for profit, such as “Tik Tok,” “Instagram,” and “Snapchat,” should not be available to teenagers until they reach 18 years of age.[/size]
    [size=45]The people are afraid[/size]
    [size=45]The employee, Umm Ali (40 years old), who refused to give her name, explains that she fears for her three children (a boy and two girls) because of “the degrading content that has begun to haunt everyone on social media sites and has no specific place,” according to her description.[/size]
    [size=45]She added during her speech, “My children are teenagers and close in age, and despite my proper upbringing, that does not prevent me from fearing for them as a result of the offensive clips and websites I watch.”[/size]
    [size=45]She continues, “In general, I cannot prevent my children from owning mobile devices. They do not make mistakes, and I do not want to punish them for the sins of others. It is better to hold those who do wrong accountable, not the other way around. However, the fear within me for my children remains present, as I am a mother, and this is my right.”[/size]
    [size=45]“One way or another, we are trying to find a way out so as not to undermine our children’s self-confidence,” says Hisham Hassan (35 years old), an earner, about his dealings with his two children.[/size]
    [size=45]During his speech, he stressed that “the safest way is to befriend children, find out what they think, follow the social networking sites they are exposed to, and try to direct them towards sites that are useful or that benefit them academically and other things by learning about the cultures and customs of peoples and others.”[/size]
    [size=45]While his wife was more severe, as she constantly asked her husband to block offensive websites and prevent her children from being exposed to them, but the husband opposed this by saying, “These video clips are everywhere and blocking is not useful, and the best solution is continuous and careful monitoring of the children.”[/size]
    [size=45]Mobile phone and study[/size]
    [size=45]Sami Muhammad (39 years old) explains what he described as “suffering” from social networking sites and their negative effects on children, saying, “My daughter is 13 years old, meaning she is in a dangerous stage of life where she begins to be curious about her surroundings and what is happening around her and thus be affected by it.” .[/size]
    [size=45]He added during his speech, “I was residing outside Iraq for seven years, and last year I returned and lived in the Kurdistan Region. Therefore, my daughter has no friends, and the language factor also plays a role in forming social relationships, so she has no means of communicating with the world and having fun except the mobile phone, which means that depriving her “It is deprivation of her childhood.”[/size]
    [size=45]He points out that “it is not only about learning, communicating with others, and having fun, but it has also become linked to studying. Some lessons and school assignments come through a special group for her school on the Telegram application. Therefore, the problem is complex and I cannot find a solution for it.”[/size]
    [size=45]Muhammad added, “I watch shocking clips of teenage girls. One of the clips was of female students in middle school in class exchanging obscene words. As a man, I am ashamed to utter them in public. One of them also makes sexual movements with her classmates, and my daughter, at this age, when she sees and hears things like this, she will think.” She is normal and might imitate her, so what should I do? Should I deprive her of her mobile phone or should I leave my work and obligations and monitor her around the clock?”[/size]
    [size=45]The need for legal legislation[/size]
    [size=45]For her part, a member of the Parliamentary Women and Children Committee, Sarwa Abdel Wahed, said during her speech, “There are certain ages, such as children and teenagers, who should not be exposed to pornographic content sites. The state is also obligated, even in democratic systems, to block these harmful matters for ages under 16 years, but unfortunately In Iraq, anything is permissible.”[/size]
    [size=45]She added, “There are leaders and well-known senior figures who support this content by supporting what are known as (bloggers and fashionistas), or even by blackmailers who own platforms or channels, as these blackmailers publish degrading content, blackmail it, and abuse society.”[/size]
    [size=45]Abdel Wahed continues, “We need to legislate a law to confront offensive content and regulate the possibility of using devices and accessing the Internet without restricting freedoms and regulating work online in general, but until this moment there is no law regulating that.”[/size]
    [size=45]She confirms, “I am against setting a specific age for using a mobile device, but I am in favor of blocking matters that reach such groups. For example, in America, 60% of the content that was on the TikTok website before it was banned was blocked for children. This is what should be in Iraq.” “.[/size]
    [size=45]Education is part of the solution[/size]
    [size=45]Social researcher Ibtisam Al-Shammari said in an interview, “The Internet is very important and necessary for humans to benefit from it, but harmful video clips to which the user is exposed, whether a young man or a girl, have suddenly and almost automatically appeared to us, whether to those interested or not.”[/size]
    [size=45]She added, “The moral system governs exposure to these sites through proper upbringing of families and immunization of their sons and daughters, but this only solves part of the problem, not all of it.”[/size]
    [size=45]Raising parents[/size]
    [size=45]While academic researcher Ahmed Al-Dhahabi believes in a recent interview, “There is a real need to raise parents before raising children, because when many parents prevent their children from sitting for long hours on the Internet or prevent them from watching scandalous matters, they, in return, spend long times browsing.” On these devices in front of their children.”[/size]
    [size=45]He explains that “when children see their parents excessively using the Internet, this will be an excuse for them to continue following social media sites and the Internet in general and to be exposed to the wrong sites.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Dhahabi adds, “There are conditions that parents should put in place to prevent their children from being constantly exposed to the Internet and following abusive social networking sites, including setting a timetable for turning the Internet on and off and not allowing it to remain open permanently, because there are many children who ignore their parents and stay up until the morning hours on the Internet.” Also, blocking pornographic websites and harmful programs by controlling them through programs that restrict broadcasting and limit its harm, in addition to the necessity of continuous communication between parents and children and listening to their ideas in order to consolidate the correct educational values.”[/size]
    [size=45]He stresses that “there are students who have mobile phones to study, but unfortunately they use tablets and mobile phones to follow websites that have corrupted society, which has a negative impact on the student himself as his academic level declines. Addiction to the Internet and harmful websites is more dangerous than drugs because they damage minds.” This is according to academic studies in psychology.”[/size]
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      Current date/time is Thu 27 Jun 2024, 12:51 pm