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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Kirkuk.. The National Union agrees with the Arabs “embarrassed by the Turkmen” to “rotate the govern

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Kirkuk.. The National Union agrees with the Arabs “embarrassed by the Turkmen” to “rotate the govern Empty Kirkuk.. The National Union agrees with the Arabs “embarrassed by the Turkmen” to “rotate the govern

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Jun 2024, 4:40 am

    Kirkuk.. The National Union agrees with the Arabs “embarrassed by the Turkmen” to “rotate the governor” - urgent
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Kirkuk
    Kirkuk Provincial Council member from the Turkmen Front, Ahmed Ramzi, confirmed today, Friday (June 21, 2024), that the political situation in the governorate is still “complicated,” pointing out that the Arabs are “embarrassed” by their Turkmen allies by agreeing with us to “rotate the governor.”
    Ramzi said in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan agreed to the proposal for bilateral rotation of the position of governor of Kirkuk with the Arab component, so that the governor for two years would go to each component of the Arabs and Kurds."
    He added, "The Turkmen reject this proposal completely and in detail, and the Arabs did not respond to the proposal to avoid embarrassment, since the Turkmen stood with them on all issues within Kirkuk Governorate, so the situation is still complicated."
    He pointed out that "there is now a consensus to hold the first session of the Council headed by the oldest member, and so far there is no specific date for it, but it will most likely be within the next 10 days."
    On May 29, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani held the third meeting of the political forces representing the components of Kirkuk Governorate, which are part of the Kirkuk Administration Coalition. The meeting witnessed a review of the efforts and consultations made to approve the political agreement paper between the components of the governorate, and the mechanisms necessary to form the local government, according to The law, as well as agreeing to hold a session of the Provincial Council within an agreed upon time frame.
    It is noteworthy that Kirkuk Governorate held its first elections in 2005, and on January 18, 2023, it witnessed the holding of provincial council elections, in which the Kurds won seven seats, and they were joined by the Babylon bloc, which won the quota seat, bringing the total number of seats to eight, and in return the Arabs won six seats. While the Turkmen got two seats.
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      Current date/time is Thu 27 Jun 2024, 12:59 pm