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    Vice chest: Maliki performs agendas Biden partitioning of Iraq

    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1753
    Join date : 2012-12-21
    Location : Gulf Coast

    Vice chest: Maliki performs agendas Biden partitioning of Iraq  Empty Vice chest: Maliki performs agendas Biden partitioning of Iraq

    Post by Bama Diva Tue 08 Jan 2013, 9:28 am

    Vice chest: Maliki performs agendas Biden partitioning of Iraq

    Tuesday, December 08, 2 / January 2013 15:09

    Accused Deputy parliamentary Liberal block of the Sadrist movement Prime Minister, the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki "to the implementation of the agendas vice president of the United States Joseph Biden, the partitioning of Iraq." He said.

    The MP said Jawad al-Hasnawi told all of Iraq [where] "We accuse al-Maliki implementation agendas Biden dividing Iraq as a result actions carried out by, as if through the implementation of foreign agendas or directing external, and the prime minister not to accuse protesters demanding the simplest rights بتنفيذهم foreign agendas, and believe The government is today implementing foreign agendas. " He says.

    He added that "these schemes are implemented government, led by al-Maliki implement policies Biden to divide Iraq and ignite a sectarian war," pointing out that "these schemes Stnkhv days before the Iraqi people."

    Hasnawi noted that "the stupidity of some politicians who now will make the country a severe crisis in almost make the country was going to either partition sectarian Awaharb".

    The U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden called in early 2007 to divide Iraq into three sections [Sunni - Shiite - Cardy enjoy each section autonomy, a proposal to him to resolve the crisis and end the violence in Iraq at the time.

    Iraq has been a severe crisis between the political blocs and that reflected on the street exit demonstrations in some provinces demand the release of detainees and the abolition of the Justice and Accountability previously de-Baathification] article [4] terrorism and balancing, and other demands.

    Also saw the parliamentary session on Tuesday verbal altercations arrived stampede fistfights between deputy state law on Alfalh and vice Liberal bloc Ali al-Timimi and Jawad Alshahyla and Awad al-Awadi, against the backdrop of attack Alfalh the Liberal bloc and the Sadrist movement to vote to approve the proposal made by the Iraqi List MP Salman Jumaili about the formation of a committee to investigate the statements of the Iraqi List MP Ahmed al-Alwani abusive Shiites and approved by Najafi and put to the vote.

    And decided to House Speaker Osama Nujaifi on the track adjourn the meeting for an hour for the lack of control over the chaos witnessed by the meeting, and then kept it open until tomorrow, Wednesday. Ended

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