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    Cecchea end the 31 pilot training Iraqi military fighter jets

    Admin Assist
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    Cecchea end the 31 pilot training Iraqi military fighter jets Empty Cecchea end the 31 pilot training Iraqi military fighter jets

    Post by Rocky Tue 26 Jul 2016, 3:20 am

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    Cecchea end the 31 pilot training Iraqi military fighter jets

     Prague / AFP 

    Czech Defense Ministry announced that it had ended the Monday training lasted 12 months to one thirty-pilot Iraqi military on the leadership of the helicopters is part of countering Al Daash.waodh Czech Defense Minister Martin Strupniki, in a press statement in Pardubisa (100 km east of Prague) "This training is part of joint action of the international coalition against the Islamic state. "He added that" our strategy is to help the Iraqi army on the training and supply of materiel level ".otdrb Iraqi pilots participants first on the leadership of the US light helicopter" Schweser, "and then to lead the transportation of Russian Mig 2. Meg -17.waodh Roman Blateka director of public blame the company that manages the flight training center in Pardubisa, "it was put on the training plan according to the Iraqi army's needs and requests," .otgera negotiations on the coming of another group of Iraqi pilots in the coming months to position itself to receive the same training. Meanwhile, a team of trainers Czechs will soon visit Balad air Base (60 km) north of Baghdad to train Iraqi pilots on the use of fighter aircraft of the -159 and until the end of 2017, according to the Czech minister.

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