Baghdad / Iraq News Network Alliance MP for the Iraqi forces Raad Aldhlki, Thursday, that it islooking for retrenchment in Bodqp sectarianism will find himself lost, as a result of the weary masses so Sasien.oukal Aldhlki in a press statement today: "we are looking for from resent sectarian and breaks narrow logos restrictions . "He added Aldhlki that" retrenchment sectarian inthe political process will be lost country, and therefore we will go back to square one, "he said , adding that" there are deputies of the sects, religions and ethnicities looking for a strong national mass serve the citizen and maintain the interests of the people . "and Aldhlki that" bloc , which look out for working on legislation laws and monitor the work of the authorities and the preservation of public money , "explaining that" financial and administrative corruption eating the body of thecountry and wasted people 's rights . "it is said that the number of blocs and alliances parliamentary announced the establishment of the block is a sectarianism, and work to achieve thedemands of the masses in reform and change.