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    Parliament votes on the four laws and complete questioning of the Minister of Defense today

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliament votes on the four laws and complete questioning of the Minister of Defense today Empty Parliament votes on the four laws and complete questioning of the Minister of Defense today

    Post by Rocky Tue 23 Aug 2016, 3:56 am

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    House of Representatives hearing
    Parliament votes on the four laws and complete questioning of the Minister of Defense today

    Author: AR 
    Editor: AR 08/23/2016 09:37 Number ofViews: 496 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Hold the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Tuesday, its 13th legislative term of the first third legislative year, while the meeting will complete the questioning of Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, and vote on the four laws.
    She said the information department of the parliament in a statement received, (long-Presse), a copy of which, "The House of Representatives will be held, in the 11th hour of the morning, its the 13 of the first legislative term of the third legislative year," indicating that "the agenda of the meeting includes the updating procedure is Article (61) of the constitution and rules of procedure regarding the questioning of defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, and the subject of years of debate about the lifting of all the abuse on the marshes. "
    Information department said that "the meeting will vote on the draft of the amnesty law, and the law of accountability and justice, and the law of the victims of justice, and the abolition of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council Resolution No. (80) of 2000, and the abolition of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council Resolution No. (213) for the year 2002. "pointing out that" the meeting will also vote on the recommendations concerning the obstacles to freeing the province of Nineveh process. "
    The information department and added that "the meeting include the Security and Defense Committee's report on the terrorist bombing in the Karrada district, and the report of the members of the affairs and parliamentary development on the subject show lift the immunity of MPs requests, pointing out that" agenda of the meeting includes a report and discuss the draft amendment law of the first to the law of the care of minors No. 78 for the year 1980, the law on the ratification of the Convention relating to the financial loan the World Bank submitted to the Republic of Iraq and signed on 03.02.2014. "
    The information department that "the meeting also includes a report and discuss projects exempt foreign companies and subcontractors Aliens Act contractors in licensing rounds of fee contracts, the proposed Act to amend the Companies Act No. 21 of 1997 as amended, and the law of accession of the Republic of race to the Maritime Labour Convention of 2006, and the law Iraqi Atomic energy Commission. "
    The information department indicated that the agenda of the meeting includes the first reading of the proposed body the popular crowd and the forces of his Law and draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Conservation migratory birds African / Eurasian, and the Act to amend the Penal Code No. Water Act (111) for the year 1969 ", pointing out that" Aljsh report and discuss the first draft amendment to the law of the unified Retirement Law No. (9) for the year 2014 ".
    The Presidency of the Council of Representatives filed on Monday (15 August 2016), the meeting of the 12 of the legislative term of the first legislative year, the third to on Tuesday (August 23, 2016), while the meeting witnessed host Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and vote on the cabinet reshuffle and the postponement of the vote on the Amnesty Law and determine the next meeting to withdraw confidence from the defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi.

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