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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Babylon is preparing to set up a "smart" gated streets of Hilla, to protect citizens and to increase

    Admin Assist
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    Babylon is preparing to set up a "smart" gated streets of Hilla, to protect citizens and to increase Empty Babylon is preparing to set up a "smart" gated streets of Hilla, to protect citizens and to increase

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Oct 2016, 3:24 am

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    Babylon is preparing to set up a "smart" gated streets of Hilla, to protect citizens and to increase its resources

     Babylon / long-Presse 

    Approved Babil Provincial Council, on Tuesday, at the monument portals (smart) in some important streets in Hilla, while stressing they contribute to the protection of citizens and ease the traffic momentum and secure supplier of Mali added to the local government. 
     Chairman of the Security Committee in the Council Falah al - Khafaji, she said in an interview to (long -Presse), said that " the province of Babylon Council approved during its meeting held today, the majority on the proposal of the Special Committee to establish an electronic gates at some of the important streets in Hilla (100 km south of Baghdad), to protect the citizens and ease the traffic momentum and bring added revenue to the province "noting that" the Board 's approval came after listening to a detailed explanation from the chairman of the Committee and a group of its members as well as Babil police chief. " 
    He said al - Khafaji, said : " the Board approved the adoption of intelligent protection system to protect citizens on the basis of the study of an integrated, is the establishment of gates equipped with electronic systems The surveillance cameras and computers, while providing the beneficiaries of those streets citizens slices of memory (SIM card), meeting amounts to be determined , "adding," The project will contribute toBrphi local government added to encounter selling memory chips for beneficiaries with financial resources. " 
     for his part , said Babil police chief Maj . Gen. Ali Hassan skylight, through maintaining session, " the portals contribute to maintaining security and ease traffic momentum in Hilla," adding that " the first step for theapplication of the system is to erect two gates doctors district center of Hilla, the first beginning of theirrigation Street, and the second when Bailey bridge, as the most crowded city, in preparation for theexpansion of the experiment later in other important streets as well as the districts of the province and its environs. " 
    He explained skylight, that" the gates will be equipped with control and linked to a database, to deduct acertain amount of memory segments holders Login accordance with instructions to be determined. " It is 
    noteworthy that the province of Babylon, its city of Hilla, created the first online portal in a street mission tospend Musayyib, (35 km north of Hilla), by more than two years, have gained the experience " a great success" , according to security leaders in the governorate.
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